quinta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2012
Flocullation of gypsum in phosphoric acid
Follow a patent application I am studying now...Description:
[0001] The present invention is in the technical field of the wet process production of phosphoric acid and additives therefor, and in particular the present invention is a method to make down additives using crude phosphoric acid filtrate as the diluent.
[0002] Phosphoric acid is generally produced by the digestion of phosphate rock with concentrated sulfuric acid in a slurry of recycled phosphoric acid. This reaction also generates solid gypsum (CaSO4) particles, which are typically removed by filtration. In subsequent steps the phosphoric acid is clarified and concentrated by thermal evaporation to drive off more than half the water from the crude filtrate.
[0003] Flocculants are added to the crude phosphoric acid gypsum slurry to increase particle size, which improves settling and filtration rate. Traditional flocculants used for this application are supplied as a liquid concentrate or dry powder. The dissolution kinetics of traditional powders and the emulsion inversion kinetics of liquid concentrates prevent their direct feed to the crude slurry. A crude phosphoric acid gypsum slurry reaches the filtering stage in tens of seconds to a few minutes after the flocculant feed point, while emulsions and powders require tens of minutes to a few hours for dissolution or inversion. Thus, a concentrate or powder flocculant is diluted with water at the site to yield a working solution (typically containing 0.5% to 1% of the concentrate) that is subsequently fed into the process stream. Traditional flocculant make-down systems consist of a mixing tank to which concentrate or powder is added with water. After sufficient mixing the dilute flocculant is transferred to a storage tank from which the dilute solution is fed to the process. Use of traditional dilute flocculant solution accounts for about 0.5% to 1% of the total volume of water present in the crude phosphoric acid slurry. A typical phosphoric acid production facility will use 5-10 million gallons of water per year for flocculant make-down. After addition, this water must be removed by thermal evaporation in subsequent processing stages requiring use of substantial thermal energy.
Read more: http://www.faqs.org/patents/app/20120171099#ixzz2GIMqqZrQ
sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2012
Agnelli (AGN) and Esteves (BTG) B&A to buy Rio Verde
By: Reuters
5th December 2012
RIO DE JANEIRO – B&A Mineração, the mining venture co-founded by former Vale CE Roger Agnelli and investment bank BTG Pactual Group, has offered to buy all of Toronto-based Rio Verde Minerals Development, a source with direct knowledge of the situation told Reuters on Tuesday.
B&A Mineracao has made a nonbinding proposal to buy the remaining 70% it does not own of Rio Verde, which is focused on the exploration and development of fertilizer projects in Brazil, said the source, who is not allowed to speak about the plan on the record.
The source declined to detail terms of the proposal, such as the price offered for Rio Verde.
Rio Verde has a market capitalisation of about $44-million, according to Reuters data. A statement on Rio Verde's website confirmed that the firm "is in negotiations with B&A regarding the potential acquisition of the company." Rio Verde added that it formed a committee and has hired financial and legal advisers to handle the process.
Agnelli and his partners at AGN Participações, a mining, fertilizers and logistics company, teamed up with BTG Pactual to found B&A in July. The executive was ousted from Vale , the world's second-largest mining company, last year after a decade at the helm.
The plan signals B&A's bet that fertilizers will thrive as demand for grains and protein grows while that for minerals and metals lags.
Analysts in Brazil have said that production and sales of food are not as vulnerable as demand for iron-ore, copper and other metals to an economic slowdown in China - the world's biggest consumer of raw materials.
Farm industry association Fiesp (sic: Fiesp is the São Paulo Industries' Association) said on Tuesday that Brazil will import a record $18.5-billion in fertilizers and other farm goods in order to plant a record soybean crop.
B&A Mineração's proposal follows the September purchase of a minority stake in Toronto-based MBAC Fertilizer Corp in September. The company has projects in the potash and rare-earth minerals sector in Brazil.
Agnelli returned to mining through AGN earlier in the year after a six-month break. AGN and BTG Pactual, which is controlled by Brazilian billionaire financier André Esteves, joined forces in the $500-million venture aiming to buy minerals, metals, fertilizers and logistics companies.
RIO DE JANEIRO – B&A Mineração, the mining venture co-founded by former Vale CE Roger Agnelli and investment bank BTG Pactual Group, has offered to buy all of Toronto-based Rio Verde Minerals Development, a source with direct knowledge of the situation told Reuters on Tuesday.
B&A Mineracao has made a nonbinding proposal to buy the remaining 70% it does not own of Rio Verde, which is focused on the exploration and development of fertilizer projects in Brazil, said the source, who is not allowed to speak about the plan on the record.
The source declined to detail terms of the proposal, such as the price offered for Rio Verde.
Rio Verde has a market capitalisation of about $44-million, according to Reuters data. A statement on Rio Verde's website confirmed that the firm "is in negotiations with B&A regarding the potential acquisition of the company." Rio Verde added that it formed a committee and has hired financial and legal advisers to handle the process.
Agnelli and his partners at AGN Participações, a mining, fertilizers and logistics company, teamed up with BTG Pactual to found B&A in July. The executive was ousted from Vale , the world's second-largest mining company, last year after a decade at the helm.
The plan signals B&A's bet that fertilizers will thrive as demand for grains and protein grows while that for minerals and metals lags.
Analysts in Brazil have said that production and sales of food are not as vulnerable as demand for iron-ore, copper and other metals to an economic slowdown in China - the world's biggest consumer of raw materials.
Farm industry association Fiesp (sic: Fiesp is the São Paulo Industries' Association) said on Tuesday that Brazil will import a record $18.5-billion in fertilizers and other farm goods in order to plant a record soybean crop.
B&A Mineração's proposal follows the September purchase of a minority stake in Toronto-based MBAC Fertilizer Corp in September. The company has projects in the potash and rare-earth minerals sector in Brazil.
Agnelli returned to mining through AGN earlier in the year after a six-month break. AGN and BTG Pactual, which is controlled by Brazilian billionaire financier André Esteves, joined forces in the $500-million venture aiming to buy minerals, metals, fertilizers and logistics companies.
Santos and Cubtão are a phosphate hub
source: http://www.fao.org/docrep/007/y5376e/y5376e08.htm
Some of today’s large Brazilian fertilizer companies were already operating at the end of the 1940s and the beginning of the 1950s. Until the beginning of the 1960s, the domestic demand for fertilizer raw materials was met essentially by imports. Local production was limited to phosphate rock from a mine discovered in the 1940s in the State of São Paulo, to an ammonia, nitric acid, ammonium nitrate and calcium ammonium nitrate plant and to some producers of single superphosphate.
In the second half of the 1960s, new single superphosphate plants and the first complex fertilizer plant were constructed, marking the beginning of phosphoric acid production in the country. This enterprise also installed the first large-scale unit for the production of anhydrous ammonia, nitric and sulphuric acids, ammonium nitrate and DAP (diammonium phosphate). Other new projects became operational during the following decade.
Starting in 1971, the demand for fertilizers increased considerably, mainly as a consequence of agricultural development in the Cerrado in Central Brazil. This was constrained, however, by the need for additional imports at rising cost. This increasing demand, associated with high prices on the international market as a consequence of the conflict in the Near East and other factors, resulted, in 1974, in the development of the National Program for Fertilizers and Agricultural Limestone (PNFCA), whose main objective was the expansion and modernization of the fertilizer and agricultural limestone industry in Brazil. This program stimulated investment in several fertilizer and raw material complexes.
In the early 1990s, the fertilizer sector in Brazil underwent an intense privatization process, in which a substantial proportion of raw material production, until then undertaken the by state-owned companies, was transferred to the private sector.
The company responsible for the only production of potassium chloride in Brazil was transferred to the private sector. Some subsidiaries of a state-owned company producing a substantial portion of the nation’s phosphate and nitrogen fertilizers also were later privatized. Summaries of the capacities of the main producers of raw materials and fertilizers respectively are presented in Tables 8 and 9. Their geographical location is illustrated in Figure 6.
At least 250 mixed NPK compound fertilizers plants are located in the different agricultural areas of the country.
Some of today’s large Brazilian fertilizer companies were already operating at the end of the 1940s and the beginning of the 1950s. Until the beginning of the 1960s, the domestic demand for fertilizer raw materials was met essentially by imports. Local production was limited to phosphate rock from a mine discovered in the 1940s in the State of São Paulo, to an ammonia, nitric acid, ammonium nitrate and calcium ammonium nitrate plant and to some producers of single superphosphate.
In the second half of the 1960s, new single superphosphate plants and the first complex fertilizer plant were constructed, marking the beginning of phosphoric acid production in the country. This enterprise also installed the first large-scale unit for the production of anhydrous ammonia, nitric and sulphuric acids, ammonium nitrate and DAP (diammonium phosphate). Other new projects became operational during the following decade.
Starting in 1971, the demand for fertilizers increased considerably, mainly as a consequence of agricultural development in the Cerrado in Central Brazil. This was constrained, however, by the need for additional imports at rising cost. This increasing demand, associated with high prices on the international market as a consequence of the conflict in the Near East and other factors, resulted, in 1974, in the development of the National Program for Fertilizers and Agricultural Limestone (PNFCA), whose main objective was the expansion and modernization of the fertilizer and agricultural limestone industry in Brazil. This program stimulated investment in several fertilizer and raw material complexes.
In the early 1990s, the fertilizer sector in Brazil underwent an intense privatization process, in which a substantial proportion of raw material production, until then undertaken the by state-owned companies, was transferred to the private sector.
The company responsible for the only production of potassium chloride in Brazil was transferred to the private sector. Some subsidiaries of a state-owned company producing a substantial portion of the nation’s phosphate and nitrogen fertilizers also were later privatized. Summaries of the capacities of the main producers of raw materials and fertilizers respectively are presented in Tables 8 and 9. Their geographical location is illustrated in Figure 6.
At least 250 mixed NPK compound fertilizers plants are located in the different agricultural areas of the country.
Yara commited with Brazilian Fertilizer Market
Yara to acquire Bunge's fertilizer business in Brazil
Oslo (2012-12-07): Yara International ASA has entered into an agreement to acquire Bunge's fertilizer business in Brazil, significantly strengthening its fertilizer position in the country. The proposed transaction is valued at USD 750 million, and will be subject to the approval of Brazilian competition authorities (CADE) and other customary approvals. Yara and Bunge have also agreed to enter into a long-term fertilizer supply agreement, enabling Bunge to continue supplying fertilizer to farmers as part of its grain origination activities and creating a framework for logistics and other commercial activities.
quarta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2012
Phosphoric acid at night
Not as phosphorus itself, purified phosphoric acid is water clear and do not glows in the dark! Very acidic, it tastes like a super lemon juice, much stronger. Not as sulfuric, that is totally corrise to skin, at Fosbrasil I used to taste the "Coca Cola acid"...One drop in a mouthfull of salive and it will spark up to your troath. And if it is "cold" or room temperature, it will not burn your skin (if you do not have scars). I have been living from this thing, I raised two boys with it. I am very very gratefull to the stuff!
sexta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2012
Vale reduz investimentos, prepara venda de ativos e busca sócios para projetos Tombo de quase 60% no lucro do 3° tri mostra que momento é de ajustes, o que inclui investimentos menores e venda de ativos menos rentáveis 25 de outubro de 2012 | 22h 09
Mônica Ciarelli e Fernanda Guimarães, da Agência Estado RIO/SÃO PAULO - A Vale anunciou nesta quinta-feira a entrada em novo ritmo de crescimento. O tom cauteloso adotado pelo diretor de Finanças e Relações com Investidores, Luciano Siani, para explicar o tombo de quase 60% no lucro da mineradora no terceiro trimestre não deixou dúvidas de que o momento é de ajustes, o que inclui investimentos menores, venda de ativos menos rentáveis e a busca de mais parceiros para seus projetos.
Lucro da Vale cai 58% no 3º trimestre e soma R$ 3,3 bilhões
Sem adiantar cifras, o executivo afirmou apenas que o orçamento para 2013 será menor que o deste ano. Inicialmente, os investimentos para este ano chegariam a US$ 21 bilhões. Até setembro, a cifra alocada foi de US$ 12,253 bilhões. "O momento é de se fazer mais com menos."
Siani lembra que o investimento a ser anunciado ainda será o maior entre as empresas privadas brasileiras. "A Vale tem sido ágil ao se adaptar (à atual realidade da economia mundial)."
Nesta quinta-feira, o presidente da Vale, Murilo Ferreira, participou de audiência com a presidente Dilma Rousseff, em Brasília. Saiu pelos fundos, fugindo ao cerco dos jornalistas. Especula-se que tenha apresentado os novos parâmetros no qual a Vale apoiará sua estratégia de crescimento.
Investidores viram com bons olhos a mudança da Vale. As ações subiram forte, apesar do lucro em queda. A "arrumação de casa" ficará mais clara em novembro, quando a Vale anunciará seu plano estratégico. Todas as atenções estarão voltadas ao megaprojeto Serra Sul, no Pará. Orçado em US$ 19,5 bilhões e com capacidade para 90 milhões de toneladas de minério, o investimento é prioritário.
Para conseguir caixa para desenvolver Serra Sul com tranquilidade, a companhia já programa novos desinvestimentos. Em maio, a Vale vendeu seu ativo de carvão térmico na Colômbia por não considerar o segmento no seu foco estratégico. Siani adianta que outras operações estão no radar para os próximos "seis, 12 e 18 meses". E deu algumas pistas.
Segundo ele, as vendas vão se concentrar em ativos no exterior, fora do foco estratégico da empresa e considerados "pequenos para o tamanho da Vale". A expectativa é de que siga a mesma linha da venda de ativos de carvão térmico na Colômbia e os de Caulim, nos Estados Unidos.
Além desse movimento, a Vale pretende ampliar parcerias para reduzir o desembolso de recursos. Mas Siani avisa que as associações não vão incluir os ativos de minério de ferro, carro-chefe da companhia. Com as parcerias, a ideia é desenvolver bons projetos sem que a Vale precise desembolsar tanto. "Nosso intuito é viabilizar os projetos e não interrompê-los." A escolha dos parceiros, revelou, vai se dar pela visão de longo prazo e pelo objetivo de ampliar os ativos.
As parcerias devem incluir os segmentos de níquel, fertilizantes e carvão. Os negócios na área de logística, como portos e ferrovias, também serão reavaliados.
O executivo não adiantou qual será o futuro dos ativos de óleo e gás da mineradora. Entretanto, informou que a companhia já recebeu propostas de compra.
sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2012
Rio Colorado Potash Project by Vale goes ahead!
Vale considera prioritário projeto de potássio na Argentina
Após reavaliação, diretor afirma que tem recebido apoio do governo argentino e que obras estão em andamento
14 de julho de 2012 | 3h 03
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MÔNICA CIARELLI / RIO - O Estado de S.Paulo
Com planos de investir US$ 15 bilhões em fertilizantes até 2020, a Vale mantém como prioridade o desenvolvimento do projeto de potássio Rio Colorado, na Argentina, que passou por uma reavaliação este ano. Em entrevista à Agência Estado, o diretor executivo de Fertilizantes e Carvão da mineradora, Roger Downey, garantiu que a empresa tem recebido apoio do governo argentino para tocar o projeto, orçado em US$ 5,9 bilhões.
"As obras estão a pleno vapor. Tenho encontrado com as autoridades locais e eles reforçam a cada reunião a importância do projeto para a economia argentina", afirmou.
No final de abril, o presidente da Vale, Murilo Ferreira, informou que a continuidade do projeto estava sob reavaliação diante das incertezas na economia do país vizinho.Na ocasião, o governo argentino acabara de anunciar a expropriação de 51% de sua participação acionária na petrolífera YPF, controlada pela espanhola Repsol.
O cronograma da Vale prevê o início das operações na Argentina em 2014, com uma produção de 2,4 milhões de toneladas. Mas o empreendimento tem capacidade para atingir 4,3 milhões de toneladas em 2021.Downey conta que 20% das obras de engenharia do projeto já foram concluídas. "Temos no canteiro cerca de 5 mil pessoas trabalhando", lembrou.
O executivo destacou que a Vale tem atualmente três grandes projetos em andamento, sendo Rio Colorado um deles. Por isso, seu desenvolvimento é considerado importante para o crescimento da mineradora.
"O foco hoje é o Rio Colorado. Ele oferece um retorno bom e se beneficia do crescimento do Brasil como produtor de alimentos", disse. Atualmente, o Brasil é o quinto maior consumidor de fertilizantes do mundo, segundo o Ministério da Agricultura.
Além do Rio Colorado, a Vale aposta suas fichas no segmento de fertilizantes também no projeto de Carnalita no Sergipe e na expansão da mina de Bayóvar, no Peru.
Depois de uma longa negociação com a Petrobrás, que, segundo fontes, envolveu até a presidente da República, Dilma Rousseff, a Vale conseguiu fechar um acordo para arrendar por 30 anos a mina de Carnalita da estatal no Sergipe.
Produção. O cronograma prevê o início das operações para 2016, com uma produção de 1,2 milhões de toneladas. Mas, a mineradora já estuda a expansão do projeto. Atualmente, a Vale já produz potássio em Sergipe, em Taquari-Vassouras, mas, a mina deve se exaurir nos próximos anos.
Por isso, lembrou Downey, o contrato com a Petrobrás foi fundamental para os planos de expansão da companhia nesse segmento. Com os projetos Rio Colorado e Carnalita, a Vale acredita que atenderá 50% do consumo brasileiro de potássio.
terça-feira, 16 de outubro de 2012
Vale seeks $500 million IADB financing for potash project
Cecilia Jamasmie | October 15, 2012 Brazilian giant miner Vale (NYSE: VALE) is about to close a $500 million loan agreement with the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) for its Rio Colorado potash project in Mendoza, Argentina.
According to BNamericas (subs. required) a Vale’s spokesperson said the possible financing involves two tranches, a $200 million one and a $300 million portion.
The world’s largest iron miner has been making recent efforts top diversify its production. In fact, the company has repeatedly said it is planning to become a top player in the global potash market by 2015.
The world’s second-largest mining company is investing about $6 billion to develop its Rio Colorado potash mine in the province of Mendoza. The project includes a railway, a power plant and a port.
Construction at the site, which the Rio-based company bought from Rio Tinto PLC in 2009, it is projected to begin in December and be fully operational by January 2014.
The Rio Colorado project will make Argentina the world’s fifth-largest potash producer, according to the IADB.
Vale SA : Brazil Miner Vale Approves BRL6.1 Billion Payment To Shareholders
10/16/2012| 06:24pm US/Eastern
BRASILIA--The board of Brazilian mining company Vale (VALE VALE5.BR) Tuesday approved payment of a pending 6.1 billion Brazilian real ($3.0 billion) minimum distribution of dividends and interest to shareholders, the company said in a statement filed with Brazil's CVM securities and exchange commission.
The company said the payment would be made from Oct. 31 based on shareholdings as of Oct. 15.
The payment will include BRL3.4 billion in dividends and BRL2.7 billion in interest due.
In addition to the shareholder payment, Vale Tuesday also announced that the board elected Dan Conrado as its new president. Mr. Conrado is president of Previ pension fund linked to Brazil's state-run Banco do Brasil (BBAS13.BR) bank. Mr. Conrado holds a law degree and previously served as vice president for retail operations at the Banco do Brasil. He will replace former Vale board president Ricardo Flores, who resigned from the post to assume the board presidency at the Brasilprev insurance and pension administrator.
Write to Gerald Jeffris at gerald.jeffris@dowjones.com
domingo, 14 de outubro de 2012
The lore of ore (from economist.com)
THE development of a process to turn raw earth into steel merits a high spot on a list of mankind’s most ingenious achievements. The metal provides the backbone of skyscrapers, bridges and motorways, and the carapace and internal organs of cars, fridges and washing machines. Given steel’s ubiquity—it makes up 95% of global metal production—iron ore, the raw material from which it is made, attracts strangely little attention.
The trade in iron ore makes it the second-largest commodity market by value after crude oil. Some 2 billion tonnes of the stuff will be dug up in 2012. The price swings of the past few months say plenty about the world economy, as well as the febrile state of global commodity markets. Between June and September spot prices for iron ore fell from around $140 a tonne to close to $85, a three-year low, way off a record high of over $190 a tonne set in February 2011. Prices have recovered a bit since, settling at around $100 a tonne. Had the oil price undergone similar upheavals it would have provoked endless discussion.Iron ore lacks the clout of oil for several reasons. The market is smaller, worth less than a tenth of the $3 trillion of crude traded every year. Unlike oil, iron is plentiful—it makes up 5% of the Earth’s crust. The difficulty is finding it in sufficient concentrations and then shifting millions of tonnes of dirt to where it is needed. Iron ore is also largely a physical market; the ability to make big speculative punts on oil generates far more interest about where prices are heading.
The commodity has a turbulent past. Franco-German territorial disputes, in part over control of the iron ore and steelmaking capacity of Alsace’s neighbour, Lorraine, helped take Europe to war. But as the 20th century progressed the steel industry broke free from its reliance on local inputs. Steel-hulled freighters allowed the cheap shipping of bulk goods such as iron ore and coal.
Japan’s post-war reconstruction, which was based on developing heavy industry, saw a country with no raw materials import high-grade ores from the nearest source—Australia. The Japanese signed long-term contracts of a decade or more to ensure Australians could secure mining investment. Contract periods shortened with the arrival of competition from Brazilian ore, resulting in a one-year benchmark-price system that lasted for 40 years.
The system worked because global steel production grew only slowly and iron-ore prices didn’t change much (see chart). Then, in 2003, China slipped past Japan to become the world’s biggest importer of iron ore. By 2008 China imported three times as much (it now accounts for 60% of total world imports). Prices rose rapidly as a mining industry starved of investment after years in the doldrums couldn’t keep up with demand.
The “benchmark” system that saw iron-ore prices hammered out between the big three miners—Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton and Vale—and Japanese steelmakers broke down as the Chinese demanded a say. But since the biggest Chinese steelmaker, Baosteel, had only a 6% share of its home market (Nippon Steel, by contrast, controlled a third of the Japanese market), it lacked the bargaining power for negotiations behind closed doors. In 2010 the big miners abandoned the benchmark and began to sell their ore on short-term contracts, at prices set on a nascent spot market.
The iron-ore price has since become another indicator of China’s economic health. So what does the recent price plunge show? The slowing of China’s economy has undoubtedly taken a toll on iron ore. But other factors are at work, too. Supply from the big three, plus Fortescue and Anglo American, has grown by 7.4% in the first half of 2012 compared with the first half of 2011, according to JPMorgan Chase. And Chinese stocks all through the steel industry, from iron ore to finished goods, which were built up in the expectation of a bigger stimulus package than has yet materialised, are now being run down, amplifying the downward price swing.
Stock and ore
In the longer term, overall iron-ore demand will grow as China’s march to urbanisation goes on. Demand in the rich world may be drooping, but Wood Mackenzie, a consultancy, says steel consumption will not peak in China until 2026.
Some analysts think a wave of new supply set to hit the markets in the next few years might depress prices. Iron-ore firms have tried to make up for lacklustre investment in the 1990s when commodity prices had stagnated. But iron ore is most profitably mined on a huge scale, which takes lots of scarce capital that has been made scarcer still by the doubts over China’s economy. Plenty of expansions and new projects have been abandoned of late.
Costs have rocketed: men and machines are in short supply, and the richest deposits are getting harder to tap. The best bits of Western Australia are already being mined. Africa is increasingly welcoming but is still full of pitfalls. Brazil is tricky for outsiders—Anglo American’s new mines there are tied up in red tape. Logistical nightmares and unwelcoming locals have put India’s best deposits out of bounds. So even if the edge is coming off demand, there may not be a supply glut. The heady days of sky-high rewards for moving earth around the planet could well be at an end, but an era of volatile prices beckons
sábado, 13 de outubro de 2012
domingo, 9 de setembro de 2012
Moçambique na euforia dos recursos naturais: descoberta mina de ferro em Tete
A ministra dos recursos minerais de Moçambique, Esperança Bias, revelou em reunião do Conselho Coordenador do pelouro que dirige, que cerca de cinco milhões de reservas de ferro-vanádio e titânico foram descobertos recentemente na província de Tete no centro do país.De acordo com o diário Notícias, editado na capital moçambicana Maputo, a titular da pasta dos minerais revelou que neste momento decorrem trabalhos de conclusão do estudo de pré-viabilidade a ser finalizado ainda no ano corrente. A fase posterior vai priorizar a construção de uma fábrica de fundição de ferro na zona de Tenge, a cerca de 50 quilômetros da cidade de Tete. Para a governante, “Em 2016 prevê-se, então, o lançamento da indústria pesada de produção de ferro e aço em Moçambique, com um investimento avaliado em cerca de US$690 milhões ”, afirmou Esperança Bias.
Falando a margem do evento, a ministra assegurou ainda que até finais do ano em curso serão concluídos os estudos de viabilidade técnica - econômica para a exploração dos fosfatos de Evate no distrito do Monapo, na província de Nampula, localizada ao norte, e da sua utilização num complexo químico para a produção de fertilizantes, que poderá vir a ser construído em Nacala, distrito da mesma província. Para persecução deste projeto será aloucado investimento avaliado em cerca de US$3 bilhões.
Vale observar, que as reservas de fosfato de Evate são consideradas das maiores do mundo, podendo ocupar a terceira posição na escala global, o que significa que a província deverá entrar no ranking dos maiores produtores deste recurso no planeta. Este projeto, para além de dar uma nova dinâmica social e econômica ao distrito de Monapo, e à província de Nampula, vai ajudar a resolver o problema de fertilizantes no país. Cabe referir que, de modo geral, o mundo enfrenta nos dias de hoje uma escassez de fertilizantes, razão pela qual Moçambique se coloca numa rota privilegiada e com um vasto mercado ao seu dispor. Vale dizer, que parte dos fertilizantes a ser produzidos destina-se a abastecer o mercado chinês e brasileiro.
Nesta mesma província está igualmente a ser implantado o projeto de areias pesadas de Angoche, pertencente a uma empresa chinesa, cujos investimentos não foram ainda revelados. Nampula também têm se distinguindo pela ocorrência de pedras preciosas e semipreciosas, como turmalinas simples, águas marinhas e ouro.
sexta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2012
ULTRAFÉRTIL: Reinventing the Bourgeoisie
domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012
OCP Logistic Development
An ambitious and innovative project: a pipeline to connect the Khouribga mining site with the Jorf Lasfar recovery facilities
In May 2010, a credit agreement of 240 million euros was signed with the French Development Agency (AFD) to cover an estimated 55 percent of the project’s investment cost, with the remaining funds provided by OCP.
The main pipeline and its tributaries have a total length of 250 kilometers. The goal is to transport, by wet processing, all of the phosphate mined in Khouribga and sent to chemical plants or the port of Jorf Lasfar to be converted into phosphoric acid and DAP, or exported, respectively. At stake, water savings (eliminating the drying required for rail transport) and energy savings, which reduce transportation costs to one dollar per ton of phosphate from the current rate of seven to eight dollars. In terms of logistics, this upstream-downstream integration will allow the washing plant built at the mine to enrich the ore while preparing it for transport.
The pulp of prepared phosphate will be stored in tanks at the exits of the washing plants and then pumped through secondary pipelines to a collection station located near MEA, which is referred to as the head station. From there, the phosphate pulp will be fed into the main pipeline that provides hydraulic transport from Khouribga to Jorf Lasfar. At this site, a terminal station comprised of storage tanks will be utilized for the reception and distribution of the phosphate pulp. The pipeline is scheduled to be operational in April 2013.
Distribution: Port installations for reliable delivery to clients worldwide
OCP ships treated phosphate through the ports of Casablanca, Laayoune, Safi and Jorf Lasfar. The last two are also used for exporting fertilizers (in bulk or in bags), phosphoric acid and purified phosphoric acid, as well as for importing raw materials (sulfur, ammonia, potash, caustic soda, sulfuric acid). These multiple points of embarkation provide flexibility and security of supply to our company’s clients. The ports of Casablanca, Jorf Lasfar and Safi are State-owned, but OCP has equipped certain areas for our specific operational needs. By contrast, the Laayoune Wharf has been owned by us since 1967. This structure, 3,200 meters long, was built with prefabricated elements and is shaped like a bridge over the sea. Perpendicular to the coast, it supports the entire industrial infrastructure used to operate on the Boucraa-Laayoune site. It consists of a dock terminal for loading ships with phosphate and an intermediate dock for unloading ships carrying heavy crude oil intended for the processing plant. The draft is 17 meters, which allows for the docking of ships carrying 70,000 tons (tons of dry finished product and merchandise) of cargo.
Mitsubishi And Zuari Acquires Rock Phosphate Stake in Peru
quarta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2012
Fluorides and Fluossilicates
Hidróxi fluor apatites...the name says all. Fluorine is in the DNA of our phosphate rocks.
Purifying Chlorides: Potassium Sulfate
For plants like rice and banana that suffers from clhorosis, or to prevent soil salinity, has some interest a fertilizer of a K + S (potash plus sulfur). Potassium Sulfate done by a termal fire heated reaction done in a brick furnace betwen KCl (potassium chloride) and Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4). HCl is the co product. Brazil, following ANDA, imports plus than a hundred thousand tons per year. Around the world, production surpasses 4 million ton per year.
quarta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2012
Phosphoric acid surplus unlikely to benefit India
May 27, 2012: Phosphoric acid, a key input for fertilisers, is expected to see surplus production globally by 2014. Global phosphoric acid production capacity is forecast to increase by 4.5 million tonnes to 55.5 million tonnes between 2011 and 2014, according to International Fertiliser Association (IFA) data.
This will result in a moderate production surplus of 2.7-3.5 million tonnes per annum between 2012 and 2014.
However, approximately 85 per cent of world phosphoric acid production is for captive consumption and only 15 per cent is traded in the international market. Hence, Indian producers may benefit only to a limited extent from this trend.
Out of the total trade of approximately 5 million tonnes of phosphoric acid, India imports more than 2.5 million tonnes every year. However, phosphoric acid is not freely traded and more than 50 per cent of Indian transactions are by way of long-term supply arrangements between producers and importers.
As such, if India wants to ensure phosphoric acid availability through imports, companies need to participate in more production joint ventures in countries rich in the resource and forge long-term supply arrangements.
Expansion in China will account for one-third of the increase in production capacity of this vital fertilier input.
Close to 34 new acid units are planned for completion during the 2010-2015 period, of which 15 would be located in China, six in Morocco and three in Saudi Arabia.
On a global basis, the net addition to merchant grade acid capacity is estimated at 1 million tonnes of phosphoric acid, of which 0.86 million tonnes will come from two large standalone units in Tunisia and Jordan.
Indigenous production of phosphoric acid remained stagnant during the 11th Plan period (2007-12), with 1.16 million tonnes of production in 2009-10, as against 1.33 million tonnes in the terminal year of the 10th Plan. The total installed capacity for indigenous production of merchant grade phosphoric acid is 1.76 million tonnes, suggesting that domestic capacity is not fully utilised, probably due to material availability.
quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2012
Roger Agnelli rides again!
Roger Agnelli e BTG Pactual criam mineradora de US$ 500 milhões
SÃO PAULO - Pouco mais de um ano depois de deixar a presidência da Vale, Roger Agnelli anuncia nesta quinta-feira,...
SÃO PAULO - Pouco mais de um ano depois de deixar a presidência da Vale, Roger Agnelli anuncia nesta quinta-feira, 12, sua volta à mineração, desta vez como empresário e em parceria com o banco BTG Pactual. Os novos sócios devem investir cerca de US$ 500 milhões na criação de uma empresa para explorar minas no Brasil, na América Latina e na África, apurou o Estado.
A maior parte dos recursos sairá do BTG, do banqueiro André Esteves. Agnelli entrará com a equipe que vai tocar a mineradora e com um punhado de ativos: opções de compra de projetos para exploração de cobre no Chile, e de titânio, fosfato e potássio no Norte e no Nordeste. Segundo fontes que acompanharam a negociação, Agnelli está discutindo também projetos de cobre e de minério de ferro em Angola, em parceria com grupos locais.
O nome mais provável da nova empresa é B&A Mineração, que tanto pode significar Brasil e África como BTG e Agnelli. Mas o martelo não estava batido até o final desta edição. Procurados, BTG e Agnelli não quiseram se pronunciar.
A criação da mineradora é a primeira operação concreta da AGN, holding aberta por Agnelli no começo deste ano. Além de mineração, o ex da Vale montou também uma empresa na área de logística, com interesse principalmente na construção e operação de portos, e outra para atuar na produção de biomassa destinada à geração de energia.
Time. As especulações a respeito do destino profissional de Agnelli corriam o mercado desde que ele deixou a Vale, em maio do ano passado, por pressão do governo. Primeiro ele tirou uma espécie de período sabático e sumiu de cena até o começo do ano, quando começou a montar sua equipe, com nomes experientes do mercado: Eduardo Ledsham (mineração) e Ivo Fouto (energias renováveis) saíram da Vale, e Davi Cade (logística), que estava na CSN.
O desenho societário da holding ainda não está definido. Segundo fontes envolvidas no processo, Agnelli já tem como sócia minoritária Carolina Menezes, que era do banco de investimentos Goldman Sachs, e deverá ter também o advogado Fábio Spina, ex-diretor jurídico da Vale, que cumpre um período de quarentena até agosto.
O detalhe curioso na parceria entre Agnelli e o BTG é que eles estiveram em lados opostos no passado. Em 2009, Esteves assessorou Eike Batista em sua tentativa de comprar a participação do Bradesco na Vale, o que levaria o empresário ao grupo de controle da mineradora. Na ocasião, Eike disse que, se o negócio fosse concretizado, gostaria de tirar Agnelli da presidência da Vale.
sábado, 30 de junho de 2012
Solvay starts high purity phosphoric acid plant in Germany
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM: Solvay has completed the construction of new high purity semiconductor grade phosphoric acid plant in Bernburg, Germany. The company is supplying this high added value etching acid to manufacturers of electronic devices and components and the semiconductor industries. The plant uses a novel and precise crystallization technology that has been developed by Solvay and its Dutch technology partner TNO.
“This new phosphoric acid plant complements a number of investments and capacity expansions carried out by the Electronic Wet Chemicals Division over the past two years, especially in China and US, in other high purity products like hydrogen peroxide, hydrofluoric acid and ammonium fluoride. With phosphoric acid we are adding a new critical material to our product range whilst relying on our analytical, logistics and customer support capabilities to improve our offering to our semiconductor customers,” said Steve Dobson, Head of Electronic Wet Chemicals Division, Solvay.
Chemists Explain the Molecular Workings of Promising Fuel Cell Electrolyte
ScienceDaily (Apr. 22, 2012) — Researchers from New York University and the Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart reveal how protons move in phosphoric acid in a Nature Chemistry study that sheds new light on the workings of a promising fuel cell electrolyte.
See Also:
Matter & Energy
Organic Chemistry
Fuel Cells
Alternative Fuels
Earth & Climate
Renewable Energy
Fuel cell
Phosphoric acid fuel cells were the first modern fuel cell types to be used commercially and have found application as both stationary and automotive power sources. Their high efficiency as combined power and heat generators make them attractive targets for further development. In the cell, phosphoric acid functions as the medium (or "electrolyte") that transports protons produced in the reaction that decomposes the fuel across the cell. Indeed, phosphoric acid has the highest proton conductivity of any known substance, but what makes it work so well as a proton conductor has remained a mystery.
Efficient proton transport across a fuel cell is just one of several technical challenges that must be tackled before this technology can be applied on a massive scale. The key to this problem is the identification of a suitable electrolyte material. Hydrated polymers are often employed, but these must operate at temperatures below the boiling point of water, which limits their utility. Phosphoric acid fuel cells and other phosphate-based cells, by contrast, can be operated at substantially higher temperatures.
Chemists have sought a molecular level understanding of proton conduction phenomena for more than 200 years. The earliest studies concerned water and can be traced back to a landmark paper in 1806 by the German chemist Theodor von Grotthuss. In this paper, Grotthuss suggested that excess protons in aqueous acids are not themselves transported, but rather it is the chemical bonding pattern they create that is transported via a series of short hops of protons between neighboring water molecules. Such hops occur through the hydrogen bonds that connect water molecules into a network.
One can liken this process to an old-time fire brigade in which each fireman in a long line holds a bucket of water in his left hand. A fireman at the end of the line receives a new water bucket in his right hand, so in order to make the transport of water down the line as efficient as possible, he passes the bucket in his left hand to the right hand of his neighbor. The neighbor, who now holds buckets in his left and right hands, passes the bucket in his left hand to the right hand of the next fireman in the line, and the process continues like this until the person at the opposite end of the line holds two buckets. Overall, water is transported down the line, but it is not the same bucket being passed in each transfer.
Of course, the transport of excess protons in water is not this simple -- it involves complex rearrangements of the hydrogen bonds at each transfer step to accommodate the diffusing chemical bonding pattern. Because of this, proton transport in water appears to be a step-wise process. Water faces other limitations -- it cannot function as an intrinsic proton conductor but must have protons added to it to create aqueous acid solutions before any noticeable proton transport occurs.
The Nature Chemistry study contrasted proton conduction in phosphoric acid with excess protons in aqueous solutions. In their work, the researchers carried out a type of "computerized experiment" or "simulation" in which no prior knowledge of the chemical processes is required. The only input is the atomic composition of phosphoric acid (hydrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus). Based on this input, the atoms' motion in time is determined from the fundamental laws of physics. In this way, the proton conduction mechanism can be allowed to unfold and be discovered directly from the simulation output.
Their results showed that proton motion in phosphoric acid is a highly cooperative process that can involve as many as five phosphoric acid molecules at a time serving as a kind of temporary "proton wire" or chain. The basic findings are:
• In contrast to the step-wise mechanism that operates in water, phosphoric acid transfers protons in a more "streamlined" fashion, in which protons move in a concerted manner along one of these temporary wires. • Eventually, it becomes energetically unfavourable for this wire to sustain this proton motion. Hence, the system then seeks to resolve this unfavourable condition by breaking one of the hydrogen bonds in this temporary wire and forming a new wire arrangement with other nearby phosphoric acid molecules. New wire arrangements persist until they can no longer sustain the proton motion in them, at which point they break and new wires are formed. This process of forming and breaking the short wires allows for a steady proton current and overall high proton conductivity.
Although phosphoric acid has its advantages in fuel cell applications, phosphoric acid fuel cells still are not as powerful as other types of cells and, as pure power sources, are not as efficient. However, an understanding of the basic proton transport mechanism can help improve the design of such cells or suggest other phosphate based materials that could serve as the proton carrier.
The study's authors were: Mark Tuckerman, a professor in NYU's Department of Chemistry as well as Linas Vilčiauskas, Gabriel Bester, and Klaus-Dieter Kreuer from the Max Planck Institute and Stephen J. Paddison of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
domingo, 17 de junho de 2012
O momento do Ácido Fosfórico no Brasil
O Brasil produzirá em 2012, por ano, cerca de 1.700 mil toneladas de P2O5 como Ácido Fosfórico "merchant grade", transformadas localmente em MAP e TSP (além dos usos industriais, "feed grade" e de purificação até "food grade"). Nosso país ainda importa cerca de 500.000 toneladas de P2O5 de ácido como tal, mais outras quiçá 500.000 toneladas de P2O5 como produtos fosfatados de alta concentração (MAP, DAP, TSP e Bicálcico). Produzimos "localmente" 900 mil em Uberaba, 200 mil em Catalão (Anglo - Copebrás), 400 mil em Cubatão (entre Anglo Copebrás e Vale Piaçaguera) e mais 200 mil na "minha" Cajati. Dos "Projetos Futuros", a Fosfértil, e agora Vale, não vingou novo site de "alta concentração" e Itataia, da Galvani, é um sonho longínquo, com seus Thórios e derivados. A MBaC tem seus planos tocantinenses, mas ainda é um site a se consolidar como de "baixa concentração" (H2SO4, rocha e SSP). Nesse contexto, investimentos africanos, como na BMP e no Evate, em Moçambique, poderão ser uma alternativa séria, com aportes de outros players, podendo fornecer boa parte das necessidades futuras de importação de N e P para o Brasil. Portanto é de se esperar que nova Plantas de Ácido Fosfórico no Brasil não sejam construídas num futuro próximo (4 a 5 anos). E as antigas vão ser exigidas ao máximo, com mais de 90% de disponibilidade das capacidades de produção comprometidas, com algumas possibilidades de "pequenos" desgargalamentos. Até que mais no fim dessa década tenhamos uma nova expansão econômica agrícola que faça os preços dos fertilizantes se recuperarem. Ninguém quer mais a especulação como em 2008, mas mais consistentemente. Então recursos e reservas poderão se transformar em jazidas! Aí voltaremos a falar do Serrote, de Anitápolis, da jazida de Mato Grosso, do Rio Grande do Sul, etc!
sábado, 16 de junho de 2012
15-12-2011 18:23:13
Por Fátima Mimbire, da AIM
Maputo, 15 Dez (AIM) – A província de Nampula, no norte de Moçambique, poderá conhecer uma nova dinâmica económica nos próximos anos com a execução de vários projectos de exploração mineira.
As autoridades daquela região do país acreditam que a província poderá registar um ritmo de crescimento similar a província de Tete, no centro do país, actualmente considerada a capital moçambicana dos recursos minerais.
Em Nampula estão em curso vários projectos, a maioria dos quais ainda numa fase embrionária.
O projecto de areias pesadas de Moma é o maior em execução nesta província e que contribui com uma fatia “considerável” para as receitas do Estado.
Entretanto, a hegemonia deste projecto poderá ser ofuscada com a implementação do projecto de exploração dos fosfatos de Evate, no distrito de Monapo.
O projecto, pertencente a multinacional brasileira Vale, deverá consumir cerca de dois biliões de dólares.
A Vale, que também explora carvão mineral em Tete, já investiu cerca de 200 milhões para a implementação do projecto de fosfato.
As reservas de fosfato de Evate são consideradas umas das maiores do mundo, podendo ocupar a terceira posição, o que significa que Nampula deverá entrar na “liga” dos maiores produtores do planeta.
Nos últimos dois anos, a Vale realizou trabalhos de prospecção e pesquisa de fosfatos, tendo concluído os estudos geológicos.
Actualmente, estão em curso estudos socio-económicos, incluindo a questão do reassentamento da população local.
Após a conclusão desta fase, vão arrancar as obras para a implantação da mina, o que poderá acontecer em 2012.
Comentando sobre o assunto, o director provincial dos recursos Minerais e Energia de Nampula, Moisés Paulino João, disse que “já existe alguma maquinaria no local”.
“Vamos ter a exploração dos fosfatos de Evate no distrito de Monapo. Estes recursos são a maior esperança para província de Nampula, porque com a sua exploração Monapo vai conhecer o movimento idêntico ao de Moatize (Tete). Com a efectivação deste projecto haverá um movimento desusado de empresas subcontratas para dar andamento ao empreendimento”, explicou.
Este projecto, para além de dar uma nova dinâmica social e económica ao distrito de Monapo, e à província de Nampula, no geral, vai ajudar a resolver o problema de fertilizantes no país.
O mundo enfrenta nos dias de hoje uma escassez de fertilizantes, razão pela qual Moçambique possui um vasto mercado ao seu dispor.
Paralelamente à exploração da mina de fosfato, a Vale vai construir uma fábrica em Nacala-a-Velha para a produção de fertilizantes, cujo início está previsto para 2014/2015. Os fertilizantes produzidos serão exportados para a China (principal mercado), Brasil, entre outros e uma parte para o consumo interno.
“A província aguarda com muita expectativa a implementação deste projecto porque vai mudar a situação de Nampula, tal como o carvão mudou a situação de Tete” frisou.
Outra actividade de relevo em curso em Nampula é a pesquisa de hidrocarbonetos no distrito de Memba, onde se prevê realizar os primeiros furos nos princípios de 2012.
A comprovar-se a ocorrência de gás natural, estarão criadas todas as condições para a maximização do projecto de fosfato, afiançou Paulino João.
Na província de Nampula está igualmente a ser implantado o projecto de areias pesadas de Angoche, um projecto pertencente a uma empresa Chinesa, cujos investimentos não foram revelados.
Entretanto, a AIM apurou que para as actividades de pesquisa e prospecção foram investidos cerca de 60 milhões USD.
Angoche integra um grupo de três distritos costeiros de Nampula, incluindo Moma e Mongincual, onde foi detectada a ocorrência de jazidas de areias pesadas.
Moma foi o primeiro distrito a beneficiar de um projecto de exploração deste recurso, por via da empresa irlandesa Kanmare.
Agora chegou a vez de Angoche, que deverá iniciar a produção de zircão, ilmenite e tantalite em 2012.
“As areias pesadas serão implementados por uma empresa chinesa e já estão no terreno a implantar o projecto, havendo indicações de que em 2012 vai iniciar a produção de ilmenite, zircão e outros derivados” frisou.
A exploração do ferro de Lalaua é outro projecto de relevo na província de Nampula.
O projecto já foi implantado no terreno, com maquinaria montada e ensaios feitos, esperando-se que em 2012 inicie a primeira exportação, tendo como principal mercado a Índia.
Este projecto da firma indiana Damudar Ferro, avaliado entre 10-15 milhões USD tem um senão: as quantidades de ferro identificadas na mina até ao momento são reduzidas.
“A reserva da mina está prevista para cinco anos. Os donos do projecto estão a procura de mais áreas para aumentar as reservas da mina para cerca de 20 anos” revelou.
A província de Nampula também se distingue pela ocorrência de pedras preciosas e semi-preciosas, como turmalinas simples, águas marinhas e ouro. Estes recursos têm atiçado a cobiça de alguns estrangeiros, que incitam cidadãos locais a fazerem o garimpo para depois venderem o produto a preços baixos.
As turmalinas paraíba são o principal atractivo de estrangeiros vindos de países vizinhos, bem como do centro e norte de África.
De acordo com o director provincial, a exploração das pedras preciosas e semi-preciosas em Nampula já foi muito problemática, pois os garimpeiros ocupavam áreas já concessionadas a privados prejudicando a actividade dos empresários.
“Nos últimos dois anos trabalhamos com as autoridades locais, incluindo a Polícia para repor a ordem nesta actividade. A intenção é que as pessoas que exploram os recursos minerais estejam organizadas. Já temos alguns casos de sucesso. Por exemplo, em Mavuco (localizado entres os distrito de Moma e Mogovolas), onde se fazia o garimpo de forma desordenada, hoje conta com três empresas mineiras de pequena e média escala a operar” revelou.
O interlocutor acrescentou que “estas três fábricas estão a fazer extracção com maquinaria apropriada, processamento em fabriquetas instaladas para o efeito e depois vão exportar o produto”.
Segundo estatísticas apuradas pela AIM, entre 2008 e 2009, cerca de seis mil estrangeiros estavam a trabalhar na extracção ilegal de minerais na região de Mavuco. Esta rede já foi desmantelada.
Entretanto, as autoridades reconhecem que o tráfico de minerais continua a ocorrer.
Este ano foram apreendidas das mãos de estrangeiros duas toneladas de diferentes produtos minerais, sendo grande parte pedras preciosa.
As pedras preciosas ocorrem nos distritos de Moma, Mogovolas, Nacala-a-Velha e Lalaua.
Indian balance for Phosphoric Acid - 2013 - 14
Phosphoric Acid Supply in 2013-14
• Domestic Production of Phos-acid as P2O5 2.0 MMT
• Import of Phos Acid 3.4 MMT
Forms of supply
1. Jt.Ventures Abroad
2. Long Term Contract
3. Open Market- Short term Contract
JV´s Existing
• SPIC + JPMC in Jordan
• GOI + IFFCO + SPIC +ICS in Senegal
• Tata + Chambal + OCP in Morocco
• Coromandal +PHOSKOR in South Africa
JV´s Under Implementation / Planned
• GSFC + COROMANDAL + GCT in Tunisia
• IFFCO in Jordan
• IFFCO in Australia
• Domestic Production of Phos-acid as P2O5 2.0 MMT
• Import of Phos Acid 3.4 MMT
Forms of supply
1. Jt.Ventures Abroad
2. Long Term Contract
3. Open Market- Short term Contract
JV´s Existing
• SPIC + JPMC in Jordan
• GOI + IFFCO + SPIC +ICS in Senegal
• Tata + Chambal + OCP in Morocco
• Coromandal +PHOSKOR in South Africa
JV´s Under Implementation / Planned
• GSFC + COROMANDAL + GCT in Tunisia
• IFFCO in Jordan
• IFFCO in Australia
domingo, 20 de maio de 2012
O Brasil que mais cresce
Uberaba e Uberlândia atraem recursos dos setores público e privado que geram mais empregos e renda na região
Nos últimos dez anos, cidades receberam pelo menos R$ 9 bilhões, valor que fez o PIB local crescer mais de 220%
A localização que faz do Triângulo Mineiro a principal rota de riquezas entre o Sudeste e o Centro-Oeste é também o maior atrativo de ondas de investimentos que banham Uberaba e Uberlândia de tempos em tempos.
A atual maré de recursos que chega somente a essas duas cidades do interior de Minas Gerais é de pelo menos R$ 9 bilhões em recursos públicos e da iniciativa privada. São investimentos que incluem, por exemplo, planos da Petrobras para o Brasil alcançar autossuficiência em amônia (gás usado na fabricação de fertilizantes) e ações privadas que prometem gerar mais empregos na região. Os recursos já aplicados fizeram o PIB (Produto Interno Bruto) das duas cidades crescer mais de 220% em dez anos. O Triângulo também criou, desde 2010, 37 mil postos de trabalho (leia texto nesta página). Segundo a Prefeitura de Uberlândia, de 2008 a abril deste ano foram anunciados R$ 5,2 bilhões de investimentos privados na cidade.
No pacote estão os R$ 200 milhões para instalação de um centro de distribuição do grupo B2W, que controla as Lojas Americanas e os sites de compras Submarino e Shoptime, além de ampliações em unidades da Algar, da JBS, da Monsanto, da Sadia, da Souza Cruz, da Syngenta e de outras empresas. Com mais de 610 mil habitantes, Uberlândia tem 22 instituições privadas de ensino superior e uma universidade federal. "Além de mercado, temos mão de obra qualificada para as empresas", disse o secretário de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Turismo, Paulo Sérgio Ferreira.
Já Uberaba é conhecida como tradicional polo pecuário -hoje, parte das pastagens é invadida pela atividade canavieira-, mas é no setor de fertilizantes que o município vê o gatilho para uma disparada no crescimento. A unidade da Vale Fertilizantes em Uberaba deve concluir em novembro deste ano um projeto de expansão no valor de R$ 462 milhões.
A empresa gera 7.700 empregos na fábrica de Uberaba e em outras três também em Minas Gerais. Com a fábrica de amônia que a Petrobras começou a construir na cidade, a intenção do governo é tornar o Brasil autossuficiente na produção do gás, como anunciou em 2011 a presidente Dilma Rousseff, no lançamento da obra em Uberaba. O secretário de Desenvolvimento Econômico do município, Carlos de Assis Pereira, disse que o investimento da estatal, perto de R$ 2 bilhões até 2014, vai gerar 4.500 empregos diretos só na obra. Mas, segundo ele, um investimento complementar à unidade de amônia é que vai gerar mais oportunidades de crescimento à região.
Exportar é preciso Um gasoduto de R$ 760 milhões entre o interior de São Paulo e Uberaba atrairá empresas que usam gás como combustível na produção, como fábricas de cimento, ladrilhos e gás veicular. Aprovada neste ano pelo governo federal, a Zona de Processamento de Exportações (ZPE) localizada em Uberaba terá 2 milhões de metros quadrados e deve receber R$ 30 milhões de investimentos privados, segundo o governo local, que abrirá edital para a primeira etapa do parque neste ano. A perspectiva é que setores ligados ao setor agropecuário de Minas Gerais queiram investir na ZPE para poder aproveitar os incentivos à exportação, disse Pereira.
Com JOÃO ALBERTO PEDRINI, de Ribeirão Preto.
Nos últimos dez anos, cidades receberam pelo menos R$ 9 bilhões, valor que fez o PIB local crescer mais de 220%
A localização que faz do Triângulo Mineiro a principal rota de riquezas entre o Sudeste e o Centro-Oeste é também o maior atrativo de ondas de investimentos que banham Uberaba e Uberlândia de tempos em tempos.
A atual maré de recursos que chega somente a essas duas cidades do interior de Minas Gerais é de pelo menos R$ 9 bilhões em recursos públicos e da iniciativa privada. São investimentos que incluem, por exemplo, planos da Petrobras para o Brasil alcançar autossuficiência em amônia (gás usado na fabricação de fertilizantes) e ações privadas que prometem gerar mais empregos na região. Os recursos já aplicados fizeram o PIB (Produto Interno Bruto) das duas cidades crescer mais de 220% em dez anos. O Triângulo também criou, desde 2010, 37 mil postos de trabalho (leia texto nesta página). Segundo a Prefeitura de Uberlândia, de 2008 a abril deste ano foram anunciados R$ 5,2 bilhões de investimentos privados na cidade.
No pacote estão os R$ 200 milhões para instalação de um centro de distribuição do grupo B2W, que controla as Lojas Americanas e os sites de compras Submarino e Shoptime, além de ampliações em unidades da Algar, da JBS, da Monsanto, da Sadia, da Souza Cruz, da Syngenta e de outras empresas. Com mais de 610 mil habitantes, Uberlândia tem 22 instituições privadas de ensino superior e uma universidade federal. "Além de mercado, temos mão de obra qualificada para as empresas", disse o secretário de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Turismo, Paulo Sérgio Ferreira.
Já Uberaba é conhecida como tradicional polo pecuário -hoje, parte das pastagens é invadida pela atividade canavieira-, mas é no setor de fertilizantes que o município vê o gatilho para uma disparada no crescimento. A unidade da Vale Fertilizantes em Uberaba deve concluir em novembro deste ano um projeto de expansão no valor de R$ 462 milhões.
A empresa gera 7.700 empregos na fábrica de Uberaba e em outras três também em Minas Gerais. Com a fábrica de amônia que a Petrobras começou a construir na cidade, a intenção do governo é tornar o Brasil autossuficiente na produção do gás, como anunciou em 2011 a presidente Dilma Rousseff, no lançamento da obra em Uberaba. O secretário de Desenvolvimento Econômico do município, Carlos de Assis Pereira, disse que o investimento da estatal, perto de R$ 2 bilhões até 2014, vai gerar 4.500 empregos diretos só na obra. Mas, segundo ele, um investimento complementar à unidade de amônia é que vai gerar mais oportunidades de crescimento à região.
Exportar é preciso Um gasoduto de R$ 760 milhões entre o interior de São Paulo e Uberaba atrairá empresas que usam gás como combustível na produção, como fábricas de cimento, ladrilhos e gás veicular. Aprovada neste ano pelo governo federal, a Zona de Processamento de Exportações (ZPE) localizada em Uberaba terá 2 milhões de metros quadrados e deve receber R$ 30 milhões de investimentos privados, segundo o governo local, que abrirá edital para a primeira etapa do parque neste ano. A perspectiva é que setores ligados ao setor agropecuário de Minas Gerais queiram investir na ZPE para poder aproveitar os incentivos à exportação, disse Pereira.
Com JOÃO ALBERTO PEDRINI, de Ribeirão Preto.
quinta-feira, 17 de maio de 2012
OCP reduce Phosphoric Acid prices for India
17 February 2012 12:04 [Source: ICIS news]
LONDON (ICIS)--Moroccan fertilizer producer Office Cherifien des Phosphates (OCP) has agreed to cut first-quarter phosphoric acid prices for Indian buyers, the company said on Friday.
Protracted talks, which had entered their seventh week due to price disputes, were concluded with an agreement to slice fourth-quarter prices for India by $120/tonne (€91.20/tonne).
OCP and its Indian joint venture partners Paradeep Phosphates Limited (PPL), Zuari, and Tata Chemicals Limited (TCL) have settled first-quarter contracts at $960/tonne CFR (cost and freight), which nets back to around $880/tonne FOB (free on board).
Due to the delay in concluding the contracts, OCP will ship a smaller volume than usual, up to a maximum of 50,000 tonnes of phosphoric acid by the end of March.
Declining international prices for finished product diammonium phosphate (DAP) had led to expectations that contract prices for raw materials phosphate rock and phosphoric acid would be lowered.
OCP had already agreed to cut first quarter phosphoric acid prices by $50/tonne from fourth quarter settlements to $950–1,085/tonne FOB for European buyers at the end of January.
PPL, Zuari and TCL had initially targeted $930/tonne CFR, citing low domestic demand for DAP and the $80–100/tonne plunge in the benchmark US Gulf export price for DAP in late December.
Although OCP declined to comment on the negotiations, it is understood the supplier was targeting $1,000/tonne CFR.
OCP usually leads supplier-buyer contract negotiations for raw materials, but the stalled talks resulted in smaller players such as South African phosphoric acid producer Foskor concluding at $960/tonne CFR with Indian joint venture partner Coromandel earlier this month.
The reduced phosphoric acid price is likely to place pressure on US phosphate fertilizer producer PhosChem to similarly drop the price of DAP sold to India under a three-year contract to supply 6m tonnes.
The current DAP contract price of $677/tonne CFR is due to be renegotiated during annual talks next month.
($1 = €0.76)
For more information on phosphates and other fertilizers, please visit icis pricing fertilizers
Follow Karen Thomas on Twitter
By: Karen Thomas
+44 208 652 3214
domingo, 29 de abril de 2012
Supply and demand for phosphate rock and phosacid in 2012 Q1
Global supply of phosphates has been more than sufficient to satisfy
demand during the quarter, due to massive Chinese exports during the
second half of 2011, and improved utilization rates at the new Maaden
plant in Saudi Arabia. DAP prices dropped from around USD 550 per
ton fob US Gulf at the start of the quarter to end the quarter at USD
500 per ton, and several key producers curtailed production as a result.
However, demand improved during the quarter, paving the way for
higher utilization rates going into the second quarter.
Phosphoric acid and phosphate rock prices have been adjusted down as
a consequence of lower DAP prices, but decreasing proportionally less
than DAP. Average upgrading margins from rock to DAP were almost
halved compared with first quarter 2011, and all the remaining value is
now in the upgrading from phosphate rock to phosphoric acid. Although
phosphate prices have declined since the third quarter of 2011, the
average first quarter phosphate rock price fob Morocco exceeded same
quarter last year by 25%.
sábado, 14 de abril de 2012
sexta-feira, 6 de abril de 2012
Mozambique Coal
Mozambique has substantial coal deposits situated in the Moatize and Mucanha - Vuzi coal basins in the Tete province. The basin contains seven coal seams and has reserves estimated at 750 Million ton (Mt). The Mucanha – Vuzi basin is said to contain as much as 3 600 Mt coal reserves, although the basin is severely block faulted.
Brazilian company Vale has so far spent US$3 billion development of the Moatize coal mine in Mozambique and expects to started production from it in late 2011. Full production from the Moatize mine in terms of Phase One is planned at 12.7 million tonnes annually of hard coking coal for export; 2.4mt/year of export thermal coal and 2.5mt/year of thermal coal to supply a local power station should one be built.
Riversdale Mining Limited is involved in the Benga coal project in Mozambique. The project is a joint venture between Riversdale (65%) and Tata Steel Limited (35%) and is located in the Tete Province of Mozambique. Coal resources of 4.0 billion tonnes and a coal reserve of 502 million tones have been identified. Construction of Stage 1 has commenced and is expected to be completed in the second half of 2011.
The Zambeze Project, adjacent to the Benga Coal Project, has an identified coal resource of 9 billion tonnes. The Zambeze Project is similar in structure to Benga with 22 coal seams outcropping over strike length of 14 kilometres across the northern portion of the tenement. In June 2010 Riversdale signed a non-bonding MoU with Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation and a logistics partnership agreement with the China Communications Construction Company for the development of the Zambeze Project.
Mozambi Coal has a 70% interest in two mineral exploration licences situated in the Zambeze coal basin. In July 2011 the company announced an agreement to acquire an 80% interest in a third exploration licence, 2738L (“Songo” project), also within the Zambeze coal basin, an emerging and highly prospective coal region that is within economic reach of the East African coast.
Brazilian company Vale has so far spent US$3 billion development of the Moatize coal mine in Mozambique and expects to started production from it in late 2011. Full production from the Moatize mine in terms of Phase One is planned at 12.7 million tonnes annually of hard coking coal for export; 2.4mt/year of export thermal coal and 2.5mt/year of thermal coal to supply a local power station should one be built.
Riversdale Mining Limited is involved in the Benga coal project in Mozambique. The project is a joint venture between Riversdale (65%) and Tata Steel Limited (35%) and is located in the Tete Province of Mozambique. Coal resources of 4.0 billion tonnes and a coal reserve of 502 million tones have been identified. Construction of Stage 1 has commenced and is expected to be completed in the second half of 2011.
The Zambeze Project, adjacent to the Benga Coal Project, has an identified coal resource of 9 billion tonnes. The Zambeze Project is similar in structure to Benga with 22 coal seams outcropping over strike length of 14 kilometres across the northern portion of the tenement. In June 2010 Riversdale signed a non-bonding MoU with Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation and a logistics partnership agreement with the China Communications Construction Company for the development of the Zambeze Project.
Mozambi Coal has a 70% interest in two mineral exploration licences situated in the Zambeze coal basin. In July 2011 the company announced an agreement to acquire an 80% interest in a third exploration licence, 2738L (“Songo” project), also within the Zambeze coal basin, an emerging and highly prospective coal region that is within economic reach of the East African coast.
Coal gasification
Coal has been used since the industrial revolution but only in the last 100 years have huge quantities of oil and gas been removed from underground reservoirs.
Oil and gas are used as fuel energy in combustion engines and as "feed stock" for other industries — raw materials for the manufacture of other chemicals, such as plastics and agricultural fertilizer.
There is a limited amount of fossil fuel. It is not "renewable" and there is no known way to make more.
The energy stored in oil is significantly greater than in any other currently available source. Data should be checked, but I found that we the Earth have 10exp11 ton of oil and 10exp10 ton of oil equivalent of coal.There is no other equivalently cheap and powerful energy available from nuclear energy, natural gas, solar power, wind power, hydrogen or biomass.
So will need to develop coal gasification (a way of transforming solid coal in gases and afterwads in liquids), for example, to produce valualbe Ammonia and Urea (nitrogen fertilizers). It was the case for Germany in the ninetenth century, South Africa in the apartheid and there is a boom in China now.
But burning coal produces CO2, a greenhouse effect gas...Coal technology must be greener!
Oil and gas are used as fuel energy in combustion engines and as "feed stock" for other industries — raw materials for the manufacture of other chemicals, such as plastics and agricultural fertilizer.
There is a limited amount of fossil fuel. It is not "renewable" and there is no known way to make more.
The energy stored in oil is significantly greater than in any other currently available source. Data should be checked, but I found that we the Earth have 10exp11 ton of oil and 10exp10 ton of oil equivalent of coal.There is no other equivalently cheap and powerful energy available from nuclear energy, natural gas, solar power, wind power, hydrogen or biomass.
So will need to develop coal gasification (a way of transforming solid coal in gases and afterwads in liquids), for example, to produce valualbe Ammonia and Urea (nitrogen fertilizers). It was the case for Germany in the ninetenth century, South Africa in the apartheid and there is a boom in China now.
But burning coal produces CO2, a greenhouse effect gas...Coal technology must be greener!
terça-feira, 20 de março de 2012
Key data on Maaden´s Phosphate Company
Saudi Arabian Mining Company (Ma'aden) started-up an integrated fertiliser production complex which is based on phosphate reserves located at Al-Jalamid, in the north of Saudi Arabia.
The phosphate concentrate produced at the mine is transported by rail to Ras Az Zawr where it is processed to produce the feedstock required for the production of 3mtpa of diammonium phosphate (DAP) fertiliser. It is about 10% of the global demand for the fertiliser.
The phosphate fertiliser complex, which includes sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid and DAP, was built at Ras Az Zawr in 2011.
Besides fertiliser production facilities, the project includes the construction of power and desalination plants. Production from the phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid was started in June 2011.
During the second half of 2007, Sabic, a leading producer of petrochemicals based in Saudi Arabia, announced that it had finalised a joint venture agreement with Ma'aden.
"The facilities will represent the world's largest fully integrated fertiliser production operation."Under the terms of the agreement Sabic has a 30% equity share in the fertiliser production operation, with Ma'aden retaining the remaining 70%.
It is owned and operated by Ma'aden Phosphate Company (MPC). It is said that the facilities represent the world's largest fully integrated fertiliser production operation.
Ma'aden provided its expertise in the phosphate industry, while Sabic provided the technology and expertise in the area of nitrogen fertilisers. Ma'aden will market about 33% of the production, while Sabic will market the other 77%.
The total cost of the project was $5.5bn. During the early part of 2008, Ma'aden had approached banks to arrange a syndicated loan of $2.3bn.
During the second half of 2007, the global law firm Baker and McKenzie announced it had provided Ma'aden with advice on the development of the phosphate mine and fertiliser production project including the signing of engineering, procurement and construction contracts with three international contractor groups for the development of process plants.
Engineering and project management
US-based WorleyParsons was appointed by Ma'aden to provide engineering and project management and consulting (PMC) services for the phosphate project.
Power and desalination plants
During December 2007, Ma'aden announced it had awarded contracts to Chinese and Korean companies for the construction of the power and desalination plants. The contracts had a total value of $630m.
Guizhou Hongfu Industry and Commerce Development Company was awarded a $350m contract to provide a beneficiation plant. This removes calcium and magnesium carbonates from the phosphate deposit ore to produce 4.6mtpa of dry phosphate concentrate.
"The total cost of the project is put at $4.5bn."At the same time Korea's Hanwha Engineering and Construction Company was awarded a $280m contract to provide the power and desalination plants. These facilities are located at the phosphate fertiliser complex in Ras Az Zawr.
The power plant consists of 2 × 66% Siemens Condensing Steam Turbines and Generators with an output of 126.76MW base load and 145.53MW peak load. Depending on final load examination the phosphate project is expected to be a net exporter to the grid.
The desalination plant processes up to 40,000m³ of water each day.
Ammonia plant
Samsung Engineering was awarded an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract during May 2007 for Ma'aden's ammonia plant. The contract was valued at $950m.
In October 2007 Samsung awarded Uhde a contract which covered the process licence and basic engineering as well as the supply of specialist equipment for a single-train ammonia plant.
The facility has a capacity of 3,300t/day. Uhde did not disclose the value of its contract. Uhde supplied its dual-pressure process technology for the ammonia plant. The process is said to be particularly reliable and environmentally friendly.
Phosphoric acid plants
Three world-scale phosphoric acid plants, with a combined capacity of 1.5mtpa, are built by Litwin Europe Middle East, a company based in the Netherlands.
The three facilities were built in Ras Az Zawr in 2011. Litwin selected Tekfen Construction and Installation Company to provide construction services for the plant under a consortium agreement. The three production lines are based on the yara semi-hydrate process technology.
The total value of the engineering, procurement and construction contract was put at $525m.
Sulphuric acid plant
Finland's Outotec provided Ma'aden with EPC services for what is said to be the world's largest sulphuric acid production facility with an output of 13,500t/day.
The value of the lump sum turnkey contract, awarded in 2006, was $270m. All of the acid is used for the production of phosphate fertiliser.
Diammoinium phsophate (DAP) plant
Spain's Dragados was awarded a contract to provide the 3mtpa diammonium phosphate fertiliser production plants. The value of the contract was not disclosed.
Dragados also awarded Nesma and Partners the main subcontract package for the DAP plant. Under the subcontract package the company was responsible for the total construction of the project and other services including all civil and infrastructure, heavy foundations, piping fabrication, electrical instrumentation and final commissioning.
Electric substations
During February 2008, Ma'aden announced it had signed a $100m contract with ABB Contracting for two electrical substations that connects the phosphate project at Ras Az Zawr to the national grid.
The contract covered engineering, procurement, construction, testing, commissioning and completion of 380kV and 115kV gas insulated switch gear substations.
The phosphate concentrate produced at the mine is transported by rail to Ras Az Zawr where it is processed to produce the feedstock required for the production of 3mtpa of diammonium phosphate (DAP) fertiliser. It is about 10% of the global demand for the fertiliser.
The phosphate fertiliser complex, which includes sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid and DAP, was built at Ras Az Zawr in 2011.
Besides fertiliser production facilities, the project includes the construction of power and desalination plants. Production from the phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid was started in June 2011.
During the second half of 2007, Sabic, a leading producer of petrochemicals based in Saudi Arabia, announced that it had finalised a joint venture agreement with Ma'aden.
"The facilities will represent the world's largest fully integrated fertiliser production operation."Under the terms of the agreement Sabic has a 30% equity share in the fertiliser production operation, with Ma'aden retaining the remaining 70%.
It is owned and operated by Ma'aden Phosphate Company (MPC). It is said that the facilities represent the world's largest fully integrated fertiliser production operation.
Ma'aden provided its expertise in the phosphate industry, while Sabic provided the technology and expertise in the area of nitrogen fertilisers. Ma'aden will market about 33% of the production, while Sabic will market the other 77%.
The total cost of the project was $5.5bn. During the early part of 2008, Ma'aden had approached banks to arrange a syndicated loan of $2.3bn.
During the second half of 2007, the global law firm Baker and McKenzie announced it had provided Ma'aden with advice on the development of the phosphate mine and fertiliser production project including the signing of engineering, procurement and construction contracts with three international contractor groups for the development of process plants.
Engineering and project management
US-based WorleyParsons was appointed by Ma'aden to provide engineering and project management and consulting (PMC) services for the phosphate project.
Power and desalination plants
During December 2007, Ma'aden announced it had awarded contracts to Chinese and Korean companies for the construction of the power and desalination plants. The contracts had a total value of $630m.
Guizhou Hongfu Industry and Commerce Development Company was awarded a $350m contract to provide a beneficiation plant. This removes calcium and magnesium carbonates from the phosphate deposit ore to produce 4.6mtpa of dry phosphate concentrate.
"The total cost of the project is put at $4.5bn."At the same time Korea's Hanwha Engineering and Construction Company was awarded a $280m contract to provide the power and desalination plants. These facilities are located at the phosphate fertiliser complex in Ras Az Zawr.
The power plant consists of 2 × 66% Siemens Condensing Steam Turbines and Generators with an output of 126.76MW base load and 145.53MW peak load. Depending on final load examination the phosphate project is expected to be a net exporter to the grid.
The desalination plant processes up to 40,000m³ of water each day.
Ammonia plant
Samsung Engineering was awarded an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract during May 2007 for Ma'aden's ammonia plant. The contract was valued at $950m.
In October 2007 Samsung awarded Uhde a contract which covered the process licence and basic engineering as well as the supply of specialist equipment for a single-train ammonia plant.
The facility has a capacity of 3,300t/day. Uhde did not disclose the value of its contract. Uhde supplied its dual-pressure process technology for the ammonia plant. The process is said to be particularly reliable and environmentally friendly.
Phosphoric acid plants
Three world-scale phosphoric acid plants, with a combined capacity of 1.5mtpa, are built by Litwin Europe Middle East, a company based in the Netherlands.
The three facilities were built in Ras Az Zawr in 2011. Litwin selected Tekfen Construction and Installation Company to provide construction services for the plant under a consortium agreement. The three production lines are based on the yara semi-hydrate process technology.
The total value of the engineering, procurement and construction contract was put at $525m.
Sulphuric acid plant
Finland's Outotec provided Ma'aden with EPC services for what is said to be the world's largest sulphuric acid production facility with an output of 13,500t/day.
The value of the lump sum turnkey contract, awarded in 2006, was $270m. All of the acid is used for the production of phosphate fertiliser.
Diammoinium phsophate (DAP) plant
Spain's Dragados was awarded a contract to provide the 3mtpa diammonium phosphate fertiliser production plants. The value of the contract was not disclosed.
Dragados also awarded Nesma and Partners the main subcontract package for the DAP plant. Under the subcontract package the company was responsible for the total construction of the project and other services including all civil and infrastructure, heavy foundations, piping fabrication, electrical instrumentation and final commissioning.
Electric substations
During February 2008, Ma'aden announced it had signed a $100m contract with ABB Contracting for two electrical substations that connects the phosphate project at Ras Az Zawr to the national grid.
The contract covered engineering, procurement, construction, testing, commissioning and completion of 380kV and 115kV gas insulated switch gear substations.
terça-feira, 13 de março de 2012
domingo, 4 de março de 2012
Gypsum will be purified
If well treated (removed by its toxic, radiocative and rare earths and heavy metals), gypsum will be suitable to be used inside homes, in wall and ceilings...
If dispersed into the sea, nobody will know (not before decades long studies) where (into tissues of marine plants and animals) noxious metals will acumulate!
If dispersed into the sea, nobody will know (not before decades long studies) where (into tissues of marine plants and animals) noxious metals will acumulate!
domingo, 26 de fevereiro de 2012
News on Evate Project - Vale Fertilizers (in Portuguese)
Vale pretende investir US$ 15 bilhões em fertilizantes até 2020
A Vale tem a intenção de investir US$ 15 bilhões, até 2020, em expansões de operações e aberturas de novas unidades na área de fertilizantes. Com o montante, a companhia poderá se tornar um dos principais players mundiais do setor.
A empresa criou, em 2010, a Vale Fertilizantes S/A, a partir da aquisição da Fosfértil e das operações de nutrientes da Bunge no Brasil, em um investimento de US$ 5,8 bilhões.
As unidades adquiridas estão em quatro estados: São Paulo - Cajati (rocha fosfática e fosfato bicálcico), Guará (fertilizantes fosfatados), Cubatão (fertilizantes fosfatados e nitrogenados) e Santos (terminal marítimo para movimentação de amônia, enxofre e fertilizantes a granel); Minas Gerais - Tapira (rocha fosfática), Uberaba (fertilizantes fosfatados), além de Patos de Minas e Araxá (rocha fosfática e fertilizantes fosfatados); Goiás - Catalão (rocha fosfática e fertilizantes fosfatados); e Paraná - Araucária (fertilizantes nitrogenados).
Além das unidades adquiridas, a Vale mantém operações de fertilizantes no Brasil e no Peru e desenvolve projetos na Argentina, Moçambique e Canadá. Em 2010, a empresa iniciou as operações na mina de Bayóvar, um dos maiores depósitos de rocha fosfática da América do Sul, localizado no Peru, com capacidade para produzir 3,9 milhões de toneladas por ano.
A Vale também opera Taquari-Vassouras, em Sergipe, única mina de potássio em atividade no Brasil. A unidade tem capacidade produtiva de 650 mil toneladas por ano, com vendas destinadas exclusivamente ao mercado interno, representando cerca de 10% do consumo total de potássio no Brasil.
Projetos em desenvolvimento
Além das operações atuais, a Vale detém ainda um atrativo portfólio de projetos em desenvolvimento:
Projeto Rio Colorado
Localizado na província de Mendoza, Argentina, o Projeto Rio Colorado compreende o desenvolvimento de uma mina com capacidade nominal inicial de 2,4 milhões de toneladas métricas por ano de potássio (KCl), chegando a 4,3 milhões de toneladas por ano na segunda fase. A previsão de start-up é para 2014.
Projeto Neuquén
Localizado na margem oposta do Rio Colorado, na Província de Neuquén, na Argentina, o projeto está em fase de estudo de pré-viabilidade.
Projeto Kronau
Projeto localizado na província de Saskatchewan, Canadá. O projeto Kronau ainda está em estudo de pré-viabilidade, com potencial estimado de produção anual da ordem de 2,9 milhões de toneladas métricas de potássio. O start-up é esperado para 2015.
Projeto Carnalita
A Vale recebeu, em abril deste ano, a Licença Prévia (LP) do Projeto Carnalita, em Sergipe, que será a maior planta de extração de potássio do Brasil quando entrar em operação. O projeto prevê a instalação de uma unidade industrial, com produção inicial estimada em 1,2 milhão de toneladas métricas anuais de potássio. O início da operação está previsto para 2016.
Projeto Evate
Projeto para produção de rocha fosfática a partir do depósito de Evate, em Moçambique. O projeto está em fase de estudo de viabilidade. Capacidade estimada de 3,5 milhões de toneladas métricas por ano de fosfatados (ou cerca de 1,2 milhão de toneladas como MAP e DAP).
Projeto Salitre
Projeto greenfield adquirido da Fosfertil e localizado em Patrocínio, Minas Gerais. Consiste em uma mina com capacidade de produção estimada, inicialmente, em 2,2 milhões de toneladas métricas por ano de rocha fosfática, e um complexo industrial com capacidade estimada em 1,2 milhão de toneladas métricas por ano de fertilizantes fosfatados. O projeto está atualmente em fase de estudo de viabilidade técnica e econômica e o start-up será definido após aprovação do Conselho de Administração da Vale.
Expansão do Complexo Industrial de Uberaba
Localizado em Minas Gerais, é o maior projeto de fertilizantes da América Latina. A unidade está em expansão, com previsão de conclusão em 2011. O projeto prevê a ampliação das plantas de ácido fosfórico (aumento de 280 mil toneladas métricas/ano), de ácido sulfúrico (mais 695 mil toneladas métricas/ano) e de produtos fosfatados de alta concentração.
Vale pretende investir US$ 15 bilhões em fertilizantes até 2020
A Vale tem a intenção de investir US$ 15 bilhões, até 2020, em expansões de operações e aberturas de novas unidades na área de fertilizantes. Com o montante, a companhia poderá se tornar um dos principais players mundiais do setor.
A empresa criou, em 2010, a Vale Fertilizantes S/A, a partir da aquisição da Fosfértil e das operações de nutrientes da Bunge no Brasil, em um investimento de US$ 5,8 bilhões.
As unidades adquiridas estão em quatro estados: São Paulo - Cajati (rocha fosfática e fosfato bicálcico), Guará (fertilizantes fosfatados), Cubatão (fertilizantes fosfatados e nitrogenados) e Santos (terminal marítimo para movimentação de amônia, enxofre e fertilizantes a granel); Minas Gerais - Tapira (rocha fosfática), Uberaba (fertilizantes fosfatados), além de Patos de Minas e Araxá (rocha fosfática e fertilizantes fosfatados); Goiás - Catalão (rocha fosfática e fertilizantes fosfatados); e Paraná - Araucária (fertilizantes nitrogenados).
Além das unidades adquiridas, a Vale mantém operações de fertilizantes no Brasil e no Peru e desenvolve projetos na Argentina, Moçambique e Canadá. Em 2010, a empresa iniciou as operações na mina de Bayóvar, um dos maiores depósitos de rocha fosfática da América do Sul, localizado no Peru, com capacidade para produzir 3,9 milhões de toneladas por ano.
A Vale também opera Taquari-Vassouras, em Sergipe, única mina de potássio em atividade no Brasil. A unidade tem capacidade produtiva de 650 mil toneladas por ano, com vendas destinadas exclusivamente ao mercado interno, representando cerca de 10% do consumo total de potássio no Brasil.
Projetos em desenvolvimento
Além das operações atuais, a Vale detém ainda um atrativo portfólio de projetos em desenvolvimento:
Projeto Rio Colorado
Localizado na província de Mendoza, Argentina, o Projeto Rio Colorado compreende o desenvolvimento de uma mina com capacidade nominal inicial de 2,4 milhões de toneladas métricas por ano de potássio (KCl), chegando a 4,3 milhões de toneladas por ano na segunda fase. A previsão de start-up é para 2014.
Projeto Neuquén
Localizado na margem oposta do Rio Colorado, na Província de Neuquén, na Argentina, o projeto está em fase de estudo de pré-viabilidade.
Projeto Kronau
Projeto localizado na província de Saskatchewan, Canadá. O projeto Kronau ainda está em estudo de pré-viabilidade, com potencial estimado de produção anual da ordem de 2,9 milhões de toneladas métricas de potássio. O start-up é esperado para 2015.
Projeto Carnalita
A Vale recebeu, em abril deste ano, a Licença Prévia (LP) do Projeto Carnalita, em Sergipe, que será a maior planta de extração de potássio do Brasil quando entrar em operação. O projeto prevê a instalação de uma unidade industrial, com produção inicial estimada em 1,2 milhão de toneladas métricas anuais de potássio. O início da operação está previsto para 2016.
Projeto Evate
Projeto para produção de rocha fosfática a partir do depósito de Evate, em Moçambique. O projeto está em fase de estudo de viabilidade. Capacidade estimada de 3,5 milhões de toneladas métricas por ano de fosfatados (ou cerca de 1,2 milhão de toneladas como MAP e DAP).
Projeto Salitre
Projeto greenfield adquirido da Fosfertil e localizado em Patrocínio, Minas Gerais. Consiste em uma mina com capacidade de produção estimada, inicialmente, em 2,2 milhões de toneladas métricas por ano de rocha fosfática, e um complexo industrial com capacidade estimada em 1,2 milhão de toneladas métricas por ano de fertilizantes fosfatados. O projeto está atualmente em fase de estudo de viabilidade técnica e econômica e o start-up será definido após aprovação do Conselho de Administração da Vale.
Expansão do Complexo Industrial de Uberaba
Localizado em Minas Gerais, é o maior projeto de fertilizantes da América Latina. A unidade está em expansão, com previsão de conclusão em 2011. O projeto prevê a ampliação das plantas de ácido fosfórico (aumento de 280 mil toneladas métricas/ano), de ácido sulfúrico (mais 695 mil toneladas métricas/ano) e de produtos fosfatados de alta concentração.
Phosphate-less World
We wake up and, for some unthinkable reason, there is no phosphate available anymore.
Some days later, there is no more fertilizers.
After six months, all the vegetables and meat prices skyrocket.
Global inflation. Crisis.
Famine is rife in Africa, Asia and South America.
After one year, food in general is so scarce that World War III eclodes.
United States, Europe, Japan, winners, will be almost destroyed too.
Some two to three billion people will die before the War end in a couple of years.
Half of humankind would not survive (if not more), mostly the poorer, in China, India, Russia, Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia and everywhere.
Everiday I wake up and say: God Bless the Phosphates!
We wake up and, for some unthinkable reason, there is no phosphate available anymore.
Some days later, there is no more fertilizers.
After six months, all the vegetables and meat prices skyrocket.
Global inflation. Crisis.
Famine is rife in Africa, Asia and South America.
After one year, food in general is so scarce that World War III eclodes.
United States, Europe, Japan, winners, will be almost destroyed too.
Some two to three billion people will die before the War end in a couple of years.
Half of humankind would not survive (if not more), mostly the poorer, in China, India, Russia, Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia and everywhere.
Everiday I wake up and say: God Bless the Phosphates!
domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2012
sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2012
Complex of Maaden Phosphate Company
In Ras AzZawr neal Al Jubail...800 km by railroad far from the rock mines of Al Jalamid in Eshidiya...
Phosphoric acid market news - 2012 Q1
06 Feb 2012 10:11 Valerie Rose
CHEMMONITOR.COM - OCP, a Morocco-based firm, has exercised price reduction of its first quarter contract prices for phosphoric acid. The cut concerns buyers located in Europe.
The values were curtailed by USD 50 (EUR 38) per tonne. They pegged at USD 950-1,085 per tonne free on board (FOB).
The company is still negotiating on first quarter prices with its Indian purchasers.
The buyers insist on a USD 150 per tonne decrease of the phosphoric acid contacts. As a result, the values will be at USD 930 per tonne cost and freight (CFR).
CHEMMONITOR.COM - OCP, a Morocco-based firm, has exercised price reduction of its first quarter contract prices for phosphoric acid. The cut concerns buyers located in Europe.
The values were curtailed by USD 50 (EUR 38) per tonne. They pegged at USD 950-1,085 per tonne free on board (FOB).
The company is still negotiating on first quarter prices with its Indian purchasers.
The buyers insist on a USD 150 per tonne decrease of the phosphoric acid contacts. As a result, the values will be at USD 930 per tonne cost and freight (CFR).
domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2012
Phosphoric Acid Technology Selection
There are three main technology suppliers for Phosphoric Acid.
Some words about each one, as an introduction:
Joseph J. Jacobs went into business as Jacobs Engineering Co., operating as both an engineering consultant and a manufacturers' representative for process equipment.
1997: Awarded engineering and technical services by Oswal Chemicals and Fertilizers for three 2,000-metric-ton-per-day (MTPD) Diammonium Phosphate/NPK Plants and a 2,650 MTPD Phosphoric Acid Plant--the world's largest--in Paradeep, India.
2011: Corporate Profile: Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. is one of the world’s largest and most diverse providers of professional technical services. With 2011 revenues of over $10 billion, offers full-spectrum support to industrial, commercial, and government clients across multiple markets. Services include scientific and specialty consulting as well as all aspects of engineering and construction, and operations & maintenance.
Through acquisiton of Spechim-Krebs, inherited intelectual property from Saint Gobain and Rhône Poulenc in the technology for Di-Hydrate Process and proprietary UCEGO® Filter. Has collaboration with YARA for Hemi-Hydrate Process. Sell technology for very large capacity concentration units.
Over 60% of the phosphoric acid currently manufactured in the world comes from plants which use Prayon technology.
Prayon Technologies (PRT) sells the know-how and techniques developed by this Group, and also supplies consultancy and support services. PRT has over 50 years' experience in designing and operating phosphoric acid manufacturing units.
PRT's main areas of activity are: phosphoric acid production (fertilizer grade) using various processes, concentrating phosphoric acid, fluorine recovery, purification of gypsum, gas scrubbing, purification of phosphoric acid, consulting, training, etc.
Some words about each one, as an introduction:
Joseph J. Jacobs went into business as Jacobs Engineering Co., operating as both an engineering consultant and a manufacturers' representative for process equipment.
1997: Awarded engineering and technical services by Oswal Chemicals and Fertilizers for three 2,000-metric-ton-per-day (MTPD) Diammonium Phosphate/NPK Plants and a 2,650 MTPD Phosphoric Acid Plant--the world's largest--in Paradeep, India.
2011: Corporate Profile: Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. is one of the world’s largest and most diverse providers of professional technical services. With 2011 revenues of over $10 billion, offers full-spectrum support to industrial, commercial, and government clients across multiple markets. Services include scientific and specialty consulting as well as all aspects of engineering and construction, and operations & maintenance.
Through acquisiton of Spechim-Krebs, inherited intelectual property from Saint Gobain and Rhône Poulenc in the technology for Di-Hydrate Process and proprietary UCEGO® Filter. Has collaboration with YARA for Hemi-Hydrate Process. Sell technology for very large capacity concentration units.
Over 60% of the phosphoric acid currently manufactured in the world comes from plants which use Prayon technology.
Prayon Technologies (PRT) sells the know-how and techniques developed by this Group, and also supplies consultancy and support services. PRT has over 50 years' experience in designing and operating phosphoric acid manufacturing units.
PRT's main areas of activity are: phosphoric acid production (fertilizer grade) using various processes, concentrating phosphoric acid, fluorine recovery, purification of gypsum, gas scrubbing, purification of phosphoric acid, consulting, training, etc.
terça-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2012
sábado, 14 de janeiro de 2012
Toros - Mersin - Turkey
Mersin production plant, one of the three factories of Toros Tarım that produces chemical fertilizers is located at 5 km in the east of Mersin city center, at a location very close to Mersin Seaport. The plant, which was built in 1968 by Akdeniz Gübre Sanayi A.Ş, a Kuwait-Turkish partnership, started production in 1972 and was largely modified as a result of the rehabilitation that was put into practice between 1984 and 1987. After incorporating in Tekfen Holding in 1990, first, and later merging with Toros Tarım in 2005, trade name of Akdeniz Gübre was changed to “Toros Tarım Mersin Production Plant”.
Mersin production plant consists of 5 main production units producing calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) and diammonium phosphate (DAP) fertilizers as well as nitric acid, sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid; other supplementary units such as open and closed storage places and a bagging unit. Approximately 135 personnel are employed in the complex that spread on an area of 1 million square meters.
CAN (26% Nitrogen) unit has 594.000 ton/year fertilizer production capacity. Ammonium nitrate with various nitrogen content such as AN 33% can also be produced at the plant. The plant has a share of 38% in the total production capacity of the country in this category.
DAP unit’s production capacity is 150.000 ton/year. The plant has a share of 28% in the total DAP production capacity in Turkey.
363.000 ton/year nitric acid (100% HNO3); 214.500 ton/year sulphuric acid (98% H2SO4) and 71.000 ton/year phosphoric acid (P2O5) can be produced at the acid units of the plant.
Mersin plant is one of the rare industrial organizations that can generate its own electricity. The power generation unit within the body of the plant consists of a steam turbine generator with a capacity of 7,4 MW and a gas turbine generator with a capacity of 4,7 MW.
Mersin production plant consists of 5 main production units producing calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) and diammonium phosphate (DAP) fertilizers as well as nitric acid, sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid; other supplementary units such as open and closed storage places and a bagging unit. Approximately 135 personnel are employed in the complex that spread on an area of 1 million square meters.
CAN (26% Nitrogen) unit has 594.000 ton/year fertilizer production capacity. Ammonium nitrate with various nitrogen content such as AN 33% can also be produced at the plant. The plant has a share of 38% in the total production capacity of the country in this category.
DAP unit’s production capacity is 150.000 ton/year. The plant has a share of 28% in the total DAP production capacity in Turkey.
363.000 ton/year nitric acid (100% HNO3); 214.500 ton/year sulphuric acid (98% H2SO4) and 71.000 ton/year phosphoric acid (P2O5) can be produced at the acid units of the plant.
Mersin plant is one of the rare industrial organizations that can generate its own electricity. The power generation unit within the body of the plant consists of a steam turbine generator with a capacity of 7,4 MW and a gas turbine generator with a capacity of 4,7 MW.
Khourigba - Jorf Lasfar - OCP phosphate Rock Slurry Pipeline
Tekfen Job No 325
Location Korigba-Jorf Lasfar, Morocco
Client Groupe Chérifien Des Phosphates
Contractor Tekfen Construction and Installation Co., Inc.
Final Project Value US$ 432.991.495
Tekfen Portion 100%
Commencement With the Contract signature
Completion 28 Months after Contrcat signature.
OCP Slurry Pipeline project has been designed to deliver several grades of phosphates to Jorf Lasfar Terminal. Project location is between Korigba and Jorf Lasfar.
Project duration is 28 Months after Contract signature.
Phosphate grades and throughputs listed below are based on design data received from OCP. The facilities are designed to handle a throughput of 30 Mt/y initially and 38 Mt/y in the future.
The project scope includes Detail Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) services to supply, install, and commission the facilities including all associated works .
Project consist of approximately 240 km of pipelines including the feeder lines , Doui Pump station, MEA Head Station, Halasaa pump Station and Jorf Terminal. Feeder pipelines from each wash plant pump station will deliver sequential batches of each grade to segregated tanks at the head station at MEA. From the head station sequential phosphate batches will be pumped through the main pipeline into storage tanks at the terminal. One slurry grade will be supplied to the local acid plants and all slurry grades will be supplied for export purposes.
The pipeline scope consists generally of:
Slurry feeder pump stations and pipelines from the wash plants to the central pipeline
Head Station as summarized below;
Pipeline Head Station
Main slurry pipeline from Head Station to Terminal
Daoui Feeder Pipeline
2. MEA Low Grade Feeder Pipeline
MEA High Grade Feeder Pipeline
Halassa Feeder Pipeline
Pipeline Terminal at Jorf Lasfar
SCADA and telecommunication facilities
Valve stations
Slurry storage and pump stations
Slurry feeder pipelines
Fresh water pipeline
Tekfen Job No 325
Location Korigba-Jorf Lasfar, Morocco
Client Groupe Chérifien Des Phosphates
Contractor Tekfen Construction and Installation Co., Inc.
Final Project Value US$ 432.991.495
Tekfen Portion 100%
Commencement With the Contract signature
Completion 28 Months after Contrcat signature.
OCP Slurry Pipeline project has been designed to deliver several grades of phosphates to Jorf Lasfar Terminal. Project location is between Korigba and Jorf Lasfar.
Project duration is 28 Months after Contract signature.
Phosphate grades and throughputs listed below are based on design data received from OCP. The facilities are designed to handle a throughput of 30 Mt/y initially and 38 Mt/y in the future.
The project scope includes Detail Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) services to supply, install, and commission the facilities including all associated works .
Project consist of approximately 240 km of pipelines including the feeder lines , Doui Pump station, MEA Head Station, Halasaa pump Station and Jorf Terminal. Feeder pipelines from each wash plant pump station will deliver sequential batches of each grade to segregated tanks at the head station at MEA. From the head station sequential phosphate batches will be pumped through the main pipeline into storage tanks at the terminal. One slurry grade will be supplied to the local acid plants and all slurry grades will be supplied for export purposes.
The pipeline scope consists generally of:
Slurry feeder pump stations and pipelines from the wash plants to the central pipeline
Head Station as summarized below;
Pipeline Head Station
Main slurry pipeline from Head Station to Terminal
Daoui Feeder Pipeline
2. MEA Low Grade Feeder Pipeline
MEA High Grade Feeder Pipeline
Halassa Feeder Pipeline
Pipeline Terminal at Jorf Lasfar
SCADA and telecommunication facilities
Valve stations
Slurry storage and pump stations
Slurry feeder pipelines
Fresh water pipeline
Key Figures of Maaden´s Phosphoric and Chemical Complex
Saudi Arabia Mining Company (Ma'aden), Saudi Arabia
Key Data
Saudi Arabian Mining Company (Ma'aden) started-up an integrated fertiliser production complex which is based on phosphate reserves located at Al-Jalamid, in the north of Saudi Arabia.
The phosphate concentrate produced at the mine is transported by rail to Ras Az Zawr where it is processed to produce the feedstock required for the production of 3mtpa of diammonium phosphate (DAP) fertiliser. It is about 10% of the global demand for the fertiliser.
The phosphate fertiliser complex, which includes sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid and DAP, was built at Ras Az Zawr in 2011.
Besides fertiliser production facilities, the project includes the construction of power and desalination plants. Production from the phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid was started in June 2011.
During the second half of 2007, Sabic, a leading producer of petrochemicals based in Saudi Arabia, announced that it had finalised a joint venture agreement with Ma'aden.
"The facilities will represent the world's largest fully integrated fertiliser production operation."
Under the terms of the agreement Sabic has a 30% equity share in the fertiliser production operation, with Ma'aden retaining the remaining 70%.
It is owned and operated by Ma'aden Phosphate Company (MPC). It is said that the facilities represent the world's largest fully integrated fertiliser production operation.
Ma'aden provided its expertise in the phosphate industry, while Sabic provided the technology and expertise in the area of nitrogen fertilisers. Ma'aden will market about 33% of the production, while Sabic will market the other 77%.
The total cost of the project was $5.5bn. During the early part of 2008, Ma'aden had approached banks to arrange a syndicated loan of $2.3bn.
During the second half of 2007, the global law firm Baker and McKenzie announced it had provided Ma'aden with advice on the development of the phosphate mine and fertiliser production project including the signing of engineering, procurement and construction contracts with three international contractor groups for the development of process plants.
Engineering and project management
US-based WorleyParsons was appointed by Ma'aden to provide engineering and project management and consulting (PMC) services for the phosphate project.
Power and desalination plants
During December 2007, Ma'aden announced it had awarded contracts to Chinese and Korean companies for the construction of the power and desalination plants. The contracts had a total value of $630m.
Guizhou Hongfu Industry and Commerce Development Company was awarded a $350m contract to provide a beneficiation plant. This removes calcium and magnesium carbonates from the phosphate deposit ore to produce 4.6mtpa of dry phosphate concentrate.
"The total cost of the project is put at $4.5bn."
At the same time Korea's Hanwha Engineering and Construction Company was awarded a $280m contract to provide the power and desalination plants. These facilities are located at the phosphate fertiliser complex in Ras Az Zawr.
The power plant consists of 2 × 66% Siemens Condensing Steam Turbines and Generators with an output of 126.76MW base load and 145.53MW peak load. Depending on final load examination the phosphate project is expected to be a net exporter to the grid.
The desalination plant processes up to 40,000m³ of water each day.
Ammonia plant
Samsung Engineering was awarded an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract during May 2007 for Ma'aden's ammonia plant. The contract was valued at $950m.
In October 2007 Samsung awarded Uhde a contract which covered the process licence and basic engineering as well as the supply of specialist equipment for a single-train ammonia plant.
The facility has a capacity of 3,300t/day. Uhde did not disclose the value of its contract. Uhde supplied its dual-pressure process technology for the ammonia plant. The process is said to be particularly reliable and environmentally friendly.
Phosphoric acid plants
Three world-scale phosphoric acid plants, with a combined capacity of 1.5mtpa, are built by Litwin Europe Middle East, a company based in the Netherlands.
The three facilities were built in Ras Az Zawr in 2011. Litwin selected Tekfen Construction and Installation Company to provide construction services for the plant under a consortium agreement. The three production lines are based on the yara semi-hydrate process technology.
The total value of the engineering, procurement and construction contract was put at $525m.
Sulphuric acid plant
Finland's Outotec provided Ma'aden with EPC services for what is said to be the world's largest sulphuric acid production facility with an output of 13,500t/day.
The value of the lump sum turnkey contract, awarded in 2006, was $270m. All of the acid is used for the production of phosphate fertiliser.
Diammoinium phsophate (DAP) plant
Spain's Dragados was awarded a contract to provide the 3mtpa diammonium phosphate fertiliser production plants. The value of the contract was not disclosed.
Dragados also awarded Nesma and Partners the main subcontract package for the DAP plant. Under the subcontract package the company was responsible for the total construction of the project and other services including all civil and infrastructure, heavy foundations, piping fabrication, electrical instrumentation and final commissioning.
Electric substations
During February 2008, Ma'aden announced it had signed a $100m contract with ABB Contracting for two electrical substations that connects the phosphate project at Ras Az Zawr to the national grid.
The contract covered engineering, procurement, construction, testing, commissioning and completion of 380kV and 115kV gas insulated switch gear substations.
Key Data
Saudi Arabian Mining Company (Ma'aden) started-up an integrated fertiliser production complex which is based on phosphate reserves located at Al-Jalamid, in the north of Saudi Arabia.
The phosphate concentrate produced at the mine is transported by rail to Ras Az Zawr where it is processed to produce the feedstock required for the production of 3mtpa of diammonium phosphate (DAP) fertiliser. It is about 10% of the global demand for the fertiliser.
The phosphate fertiliser complex, which includes sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid and DAP, was built at Ras Az Zawr in 2011.
Besides fertiliser production facilities, the project includes the construction of power and desalination plants. Production from the phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid was started in June 2011.
During the second half of 2007, Sabic, a leading producer of petrochemicals based in Saudi Arabia, announced that it had finalised a joint venture agreement with Ma'aden.
"The facilities will represent the world's largest fully integrated fertiliser production operation."
Under the terms of the agreement Sabic has a 30% equity share in the fertiliser production operation, with Ma'aden retaining the remaining 70%.
It is owned and operated by Ma'aden Phosphate Company (MPC). It is said that the facilities represent the world's largest fully integrated fertiliser production operation.
Ma'aden provided its expertise in the phosphate industry, while Sabic provided the technology and expertise in the area of nitrogen fertilisers. Ma'aden will market about 33% of the production, while Sabic will market the other 77%.
The total cost of the project was $5.5bn. During the early part of 2008, Ma'aden had approached banks to arrange a syndicated loan of $2.3bn.
During the second half of 2007, the global law firm Baker and McKenzie announced it had provided Ma'aden with advice on the development of the phosphate mine and fertiliser production project including the signing of engineering, procurement and construction contracts with three international contractor groups for the development of process plants.
Engineering and project management
US-based WorleyParsons was appointed by Ma'aden to provide engineering and project management and consulting (PMC) services for the phosphate project.
Power and desalination plants
During December 2007, Ma'aden announced it had awarded contracts to Chinese and Korean companies for the construction of the power and desalination plants. The contracts had a total value of $630m.
Guizhou Hongfu Industry and Commerce Development Company was awarded a $350m contract to provide a beneficiation plant. This removes calcium and magnesium carbonates from the phosphate deposit ore to produce 4.6mtpa of dry phosphate concentrate.
"The total cost of the project is put at $4.5bn."
At the same time Korea's Hanwha Engineering and Construction Company was awarded a $280m contract to provide the power and desalination plants. These facilities are located at the phosphate fertiliser complex in Ras Az Zawr.
The power plant consists of 2 × 66% Siemens Condensing Steam Turbines and Generators with an output of 126.76MW base load and 145.53MW peak load. Depending on final load examination the phosphate project is expected to be a net exporter to the grid.
The desalination plant processes up to 40,000m³ of water each day.
Ammonia plant
Samsung Engineering was awarded an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract during May 2007 for Ma'aden's ammonia plant. The contract was valued at $950m.
In October 2007 Samsung awarded Uhde a contract which covered the process licence and basic engineering as well as the supply of specialist equipment for a single-train ammonia plant.
The facility has a capacity of 3,300t/day. Uhde did not disclose the value of its contract. Uhde supplied its dual-pressure process technology for the ammonia plant. The process is said to be particularly reliable and environmentally friendly.
Phosphoric acid plants
Three world-scale phosphoric acid plants, with a combined capacity of 1.5mtpa, are built by Litwin Europe Middle East, a company based in the Netherlands.
The three facilities were built in Ras Az Zawr in 2011. Litwin selected Tekfen Construction and Installation Company to provide construction services for the plant under a consortium agreement. The three production lines are based on the yara semi-hydrate process technology.
The total value of the engineering, procurement and construction contract was put at $525m.
Sulphuric acid plant
Finland's Outotec provided Ma'aden with EPC services for what is said to be the world's largest sulphuric acid production facility with an output of 13,500t/day.
The value of the lump sum turnkey contract, awarded in 2006, was $270m. All of the acid is used for the production of phosphate fertiliser.
Diammoinium phsophate (DAP) plant
Spain's Dragados was awarded a contract to provide the 3mtpa diammonium phosphate fertiliser production plants. The value of the contract was not disclosed.
Dragados also awarded Nesma and Partners the main subcontract package for the DAP plant. Under the subcontract package the company was responsible for the total construction of the project and other services including all civil and infrastructure, heavy foundations, piping fabrication, electrical instrumentation and final commissioning.
Electric substations
During February 2008, Ma'aden announced it had signed a $100m contract with ABB Contracting for two electrical substations that connects the phosphate project at Ras Az Zawr to the national grid.
The contract covered engineering, procurement, construction, testing, commissioning and completion of 380kV and 115kV gas insulated switch gear substations.
Postagens (Atom)