quarta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2019

After decades a new Phosphoric Acid is coming to life in Brazil - SERRA DO SALITRE


We welcome the newcomers.
Congratulations to the project sponsors, starting with Rodolfo Galvani e going to Lair Hanzen.
Now with Yara they have a brilliant path ahead.
Being a new "Phosphate City", along with Cajati-Jacupiranga (SP), Araxá-Tapira (MG), Catalão-Ouvidor (GO), Campos Belos-Arrais (GO-TO) and waiting for Santa Quitéria-Itataia to come.

I wish my friends involved all the success, hard-working, comradeship, an happiness a job well done in this field can provide.
Be safe and environmentally conscious.

See you soon!

Hoping the Phosphoric will run shortly and smoothly.



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