sábado, 2 de outubro de 2021

News EuroChem Karatau’s upcoming US$800m Zhambyl fertiliser plant to produce aggregates EuroChem Karatau’s upcoming US$800m Zhambyl fertiliser plant to produce aggregates

Kazakhstan: EuroChem subsidiary EuroChem Karatau has entered into talks with Zhambyl Region governor Berdibek Saparbayev over plans for the construction of a mineral fertilisers plant at a total investment cost of US$800m. Kazakhstan Newsline has reported that the facility will additionally produce aggregates for use in cement production. The plant will exploit the region’s Karatau-Zhanatassky phosphorite basin, from which the company has already extracted and carried out primary processing on phosphorite ore.

EuroChem signs agreement to acquire Serra do Salitre phosphate project in Brazil 01 August 2021

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Eurochem: welcoming a new integrated player in Brazilian Phosphates!

Depois de mais de 20 anos (desde o Projeto da Atual CMOC, ex Anglo-Copebrás em Ouvidor - GO), temos um novo projeto integrado de fosfatados, de ácido fosfórico, "da mina aos fertilizantes" no Brasil. Trata-se da Eurochem, sucessora da Yara que sucedeu a Galvani em Serra do Salitre - MG. Dou as boas vindas ao grupo russo nesse megaprojeto e espero poder ver tudo lá funcionando em 2023.

After more than 20 years (since the Atual CMOC Project, ex Anglo-Copebrás in Ouvidor - GO), we have a new integrated project for phosphates, phosphoric acid, "from the mine to fertilizers" in Brazil. This is Eurochem, Yara's successor that succeeded Galvani in Serra do Salitre - MG. I welcome the Russian group to this megaproject and hope to see everything working there in 2023.

Después de más de 20 años (desde el Proyecto atual CMOC, ex Anglo-Copebrás en Ouvidor - GO), tenemos un nuevo proyecto integrado de fosfatos, ácido fosfórico, "de la mina a los fertilizantes" en Brasil. Este es Eurochem, el sucesor de Yara que sucedió a Galvani en Serra do Salitre - MG. Doy la bienvenida al grupo ruso a este megaproyecto y espero que todo funcione allí en 2023.

Après plus de 20 ans (depuis le projet atual CMOC, ex Anglo-Copebrás à Ouvidor - GO), nous avons un nouveau projet intégré pour les phosphates, l'acide phosphorique, "de la mine aux engrais" au Brésil. Il s'agit d'Eurochem, successeur de Yara qui a succédé à Galvani à Serra do Salitre - MG. Je souhaite la bienvenue au groupe russe dans ce mégaprojet et espère voir tout y fonctionner en 2023.

По прошествии более чем 20 лет (после проекта Atual CMOC, бывшего Anglo-Copebrás в Оувидоре, штат Джорджия) у нас появился новый комплексный проект по фосфатам и фосфорной кислоте «от рудника до удобрений» в Бразилии. Это Eurochem, преемник Yara, сменивший Гальвани в Серра-ду-Салитре - MG. Я приветствую российскую группу в этом мегапроекте и надеюсь, что в 2023 году там все будет работать.

بعد أكثر من 20 عامًا (منذ مشروع atual CMOC ، سابقًا Anglo-Copebrás في Ouvidor - GO) ، لدينا مشروع متكامل جديد للفوسفات وحمض الفوسفوريك "من المنجم إلى الأسمدة" في البرازيل. هذا هو Eurochem ، خليفة يارا الذي خلف جالفاني في Serra do Salitre - MG. أرحب بالمجموعة الروسية في هذا المشروع الضخم وآمل أن أرى كل شيء يعمل هناك في عام 2023.

Dopo più di 20 anni (dal progetto atual CMOC, ex Anglo-Copebrás a Ouvidor - GO), abbiamo un nuovo progetto integrato per fosfati, acido fosforico, "dalla miniera ai fertilizzanti" in Brasile. Questo è Eurochem, il successore di Yara che è succeduto a Galvani nella Serra do Salitre - MG. Do il benvenuto al gruppo russo in questo megaprogetto e spero che tutto funzioni nel 2023.

terça-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2021

Eurochem Karatau

 Eurochem is one of the top ten fertilizers companies in the world. 

EuroChem Invests in Building Mineral Fertiliser Complex in Zhambyl Region

ASTANA – EuroChem-Karatau, the Kazakh subsidiary enterprise of EuroChem Group AG, signed a memorandum of understanding and partnership with the Kazakh Ministry of Investment and Development and Akimat (city administration) of the Zhambyl Region, announced the company.


As per the memorandum, EuroChem will invest in a mineral fertiliser production complex to be built in the region. The investment will be used to develop the local social and transport infrastructure. Kazakh authorities will ensure cooperation and support in establishing the necessary legal environment and favourable business terms for uninterrupted execution of the project, reported Forbes.kz.

The memorandum was signed as part of the Kazakhstan and Russia Interregional Cooperation Forum held in the capital with the participation of Presidents Nursultan Nazarbayev and Vladimir Putin on Oct. 4.

“Signing a memorandum is an important and consecutive step on the way to implementing one of our strategic projects. We thank Kazakhstan’s authorities for supporting our efforts and are glad about this cooperation becoming stronger. Today’s event confirms that we keep our commitments on implementing our project, improving the region’s social and transport infrastructure and expanding a format of public and private partnership,” said EuroChem Director General Dmitry Sterzhnev, according to the website.

EuroChem is one of the biggest investors in Kazakhstan, undertaking a rock phosphate extraction project and mineral fertiliser production in the Zhambyl region since 2013. The first phase of the project was completed in the beginning of this year, reaching project capacity with an annual production volume of 640,000 tonnes of rock phosphate. The company continues to invest in the region’s social and economic development, allotting $18 million for the purpose, according to the source.

During the second phase, EuroChem plans to reach 1.5 million tonnes of rock phosphate production volume per year. The capacity of the complex will be more than one million tonnes per year on basic types of products (potassium sulfate and dicalcium phosphate) and about one million tonnes on concurrent products, wrote Forbes.kz.

EuroChem is one of the world’s leading agrochemical companies, producing mainly nitrogen and phosphate fertilisers as well as organic synthesis products and iron-ore concentrate. The company is also involved in mineral and hydrocarbon extraction, production, logistics and fertiliser distribution.

EuroChem is currently developing two major projects on potassium salt deposits in Russia as part of implementing the EuroChem-VolgaKaliy and EuroChem-Usolskiy potash complex projects. Headquartered in Zug, Switzerland, its production facilities and distribution is available in Belgium, China, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Russia and the U.S. The company has more than 23,400 employees around the world.